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Last active December 28, 2015 22:59
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  • Save ecto/7575441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ecto/7575441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Snake in your terminal!

Still needs score, losing state, and collision detection for walls.

If you have node installed, you can do this to play:

curl -Lo snake.js
#make sure you got the right file:
cat snake.js
node snake
var pr=process;var si="stdin";var so="stdout";var psi=pr[si];var pso=pr[so];var w=pso.columns;var h=pso.rows;
var d="r";var as=[];var pi=parseInt;var ps=[{x:pi(w/2,10),y:pi(h/2,10)}];
function p(a){process.stdout.write(a)}var mr=Math.random;function c(){p("\033[2J")}
function ga(e){for(var a=0;a<e;a++){var b={x:pi(mr()*w,10),y:pi(mr()*h,10)};as.push(b)}}
function dr(){c();for(var a in as){dp(as[a].x,as[a].y,"41")}for(var a in ps){dp(ps[a].x,ps[a].y,"42")}}
function dp(b,e,a){p("\033["+e+";"+b+"H");p("\033[0;"+a+"m");p(" ");p("\033[0;0m")}
function t(){for(var a=ps.length-1;a>=0;a--){if(a!=0){ps[a].x=ps[a-1].x;ps[a].y=ps[a-1].y}
var b=cc();if(b==1){ra(ps[0].x,ps[0].y);at();at();ga(1)}if(b==2){}}}}
function ra(b,e){for(var a in as){if(as[a].x==b&&as[a].y==e){delete as[a]}}}
function cc(){var a=ps[0];for(var b in as){if(a.x==as[b].x&&a.y==as[b].y){return 1}}}
function at(){var e=ps[ps.length-1];var f;var b={x:e.x,y:e.y};var a={u:"d",r:"l",d:"u",l:"r"};
function tg(a){if(ps.length==1){d=a;return}var b;switch(a){case"u":b=ps[0].y-ps[1].y-1;break;
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ecto commented Nov 21, 2013

This can definitely be further minified

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