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Created July 22, 2013 18:43
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A useless Python script I used to collect JARs and WARs from a directory of Maven projects.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Build all Maven files and dump all of the jars into a directory.
import os
import sys
import re
import glob
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from contextlib import contextmanager
RELEASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'release')
# ANSI colours
RED = 1
BLUE = 4
CYAN = 6
RESET = '\033[0m'
def ansi_color(foreground=None, background=None, bold=False, stream=sys.stdout):
Surrounds write to `stream` with the given ANSI colour.
Maybe I'm going crazy with context managers...
codes = []
if foreground:
codes.append(foreground | int('30', base=8))
if background:
codes.append(background | int('40', base=8))
if bold:
# Create the inner... part
inner = ';'.join('%o' % num for num in codes)
escape = '\033[%sm' % inner
def find_maven_projects(top_level='.'):
Generates a tuple of (path, pom) for each Maven project found in the given
top level. Defaults to the current working directory.
`pom` is parsed into an ElementTree object.
# Get subdirectories. Pretend I have pattern matching.
_, subdirectories, _ = next(os.walk(top_level))
for directory in subdirectories:
# Skip if no pom is found
if 'pom.xml' not in os.listdir(directory):
# Else, parse it and yield it.
pom_filename = os.path.join(directory, 'pom.xml')
pom = ET.parse(pom_filename)
yield directory, pom
def war_handler(project_dir, settings, pom):
Handles WAR packaging.
raise NotImplementedError('gotta figure this one out :/')
def jar_handler(project_dir, settings, pom):
Handles JAR packaging.
# Glob for the fully-qualified path of the project dir.
jar_glob = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), project_dir, 'target', '*.jar')
jars = glob.iglob(jar_glob)
for jar_path in jars:
# Get the base name of the jar, and the new path.
jar_name = os.path.basename(jar_path)
new_path = os.path.join(RELEASE_DIR, jar_name)
# Now copy it over.
shutil.copy(jar_path, new_path)
def unknown_handler(project_dir, settings, pom):
Handles unknown packaging.
print("Cannot package '%s'!" % project_dir)
packaging_handlers = {
'war': war_handler,
'jar': jar_handler
def get_namespace(element):
Gets the XML namespace of a given object. Returns None if no namespace is
# Extract the name from the root tag.
root_name = element.tag
match = re.match(r'^{([^}]+)}', root_name)
# Get the XML namespace, or else get None.
return if match else None
def fix_namespaces(tree):
Inserts the proper namespace prefix for the sequence 'n:' in an XPath
Returns the partially applied function that does the namespace fixing for
a given string.
>>> pom = ET.fromstring('<project xmlns=""></project>')
>>> fix_namespaces(pom)('./n:packaging')
namespace = get_namespace(tree)
# Render and compile the replacement and the regex.
replacement = '{%s}' % namespace if namespace is not None else ''
path_pattern = re.compile(r'\bn:')
def fixer(path):
return path_pattern.sub(replacement, path)
return fixer
def get_packaging_handler(pom):
Returns a function for the given pom ElementTree that, when called will
place the function into the correct directory.
# Get the packaging directive.
query = fix_namespaces(pom.getroot())(r'./n:packaging')
packaging = pom.find(query)
# Assume 'jar' if there is no packaging directive.
packaging_name = packaging.text if packaging is not None else 'jar'
# Return the proper handler, or else use the unknown handler.
return packaging_handlers.get(packaging_name, unknown_handler)
def cd(next_dir):
Changes the current working directory to `next_dir` for the given context.
The current working directory is reverted when the context is left.
>>> with cd('/tmp'), open('hello', 'w') as outfile:
... outfile.write('hi!')
>>> with open('/tmp/hello') as infile:
... print(
original_dir = os.getcwd()
def main(top_level='.'):
# Get a list of all maven projects.
projects = find_maven_projects(top_level)
for name, pom in projects:
with ansi_color(RED, bold=True):
print("Project: %s" % name)
# Run Maven in the project directory.
with cd(name):
os.system('mvn package')
# Now, get a handler based on the packagin
handle = get_packaging_handler(pom)
# And now handle it!
handle(name, {}, pom)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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