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Created September 18, 2014 22:46
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wiredep = require( 'wiredep' )
path = require 'path'
# Karma configuration
module.exports = ( config ) ->
# enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: true
# base path, that will be used to resolve files relative to this file
basePath: '../'
# Run the tests automatically in these browsers:
# Specify in your ../faspex.json file which browsers to run in
browsers: [ 'PhantomJS' ]
# The files to include in the test
files: wiredep( devDependencies: true )[ 'js' ].map ( file ) ->
path.relative process.cwd(), file
.concat [
# The testing framework to use
frameworks: [ 'jasmine' ]
preprocessors: '**/*.coffee': [ 'coffee' ]
reporters: [ 'spec' ]
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