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Created September 28, 2015 20:19
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enum Option<T> {
// desugars to
enum Option<T> {
None {..},
Some {..}
struct Option<T>::None;
struct Option<T>::Some(T);
enum Mode {
enum ByRef {
// desugars to
enum Mode {
enum ByRef {..}
ByValue {..}
enum Mode::ByRef {
Mutable {..},
Immutable {..}
struct Mode::ByValue;
struct Mode::ByRef::Mutable;
struct Mode::ByRef::Immutable;
type Ty<'tcx> = &'tcx TypeData<'tcx>;
enum TypeData<'tcx> {
// Common fields:
id: u32,
flags: u32,
// Variants:
Int { },
Uint { },
Ref { referent_ty: Ty<'tcx> },
// desugars to
enum TypeData<'tcx> {
// Common fields:
id: u32,
flags: u32,
// Variants:
Int {..},
Uint {..},
Ref {..},
struct TypeData<'tcx>::Int {}
struct TypeData<'tcx>::Uint {}
struct TypeData<'tcx>::Ref {
referent_ty: Ty<'tcx>
type Ty<'tcx> = &'tcx TypeData<'tcx>;
enum TypeData<'tcx> {
// No indirection anymore. What's more, the type `FnPointer`
// serves as a refinement type automatically.
FnPointer {
unsafety: Unsafety,
abi: Abi,
signature: Signature,
// This prevents mutation of the tag after "unsizing" from
// variant to enum type (&TypeData::FnPointer -> &TypeData),
// so the size of each variant can be smaller than the enum.
// It also may allow individual variants to be unsized, but
// that could be odd to deal with.
impl !Sized for TypeData {}
enum Node {
// where this node is positioned after layout
position: Rectangle,
enum Element {..}
impl !Sized for Node {}
enum Node::Element {
// These could be simply named Text and Paragraph.
TextElement {..},
ParagraphElement {..}
struct Node::Element::TextElement {
struct Node::Element::ParagraphElement {
// Alternatively, T: Unsize<Node> could be used.
fn intersects<T: VariantOf<Node>>(box: Rectangle, elements: &[Rc<T>]) -> Vec<Rc<T>> {
trait TextAPIs: VariantOf<HTMLElement> {
fn maxLength(&self) -> usize;
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