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Created August 11, 2021 02:43
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getDiscount <- function(currency.input, date.input)
{ # Computes the percentage of discount to apply based on date and currency
# currency.input = character of the currency
# date.input = the current date
# Returns:
# The percentage of discount to apply on the sum of products
# defining percentages for each case <- 0.5
discount.eur <- 0.2
discount.usd <- 0.25
#Dataframe with currencies defined
name <- c("EUR","USD")
value <- c(discount.eur,discount.usd)
currencies <- data.frame(name,value)
#defining specific date
date.selected <- as.Date("2020-11-27")
disc.currency <- currencies[currencies$name == currency.input,]
#evaluating type of discount to apply
discount <- ifelse(date.selected == date.input,,
totalPrice <- function(order, currency = "EUR", date = Sys.Date()){
# Computes the sum of all product's of a order after applying discount based
# on the currency and date
# Args:
# order: Dataframe with products to be calculated
# currency: character variable, indicates currency to be used
# date: Current date, used for
# Returns:
# The sum of products on order after applying a discount
# Error handling NULL input and type validation
if((is.null(dim(order))) || !is.character(currency)) {
stop("Order is null or input types invalid")
total <- 0
# Validating if the dataframe is empty
if(nrow(order)> 0)
discount <- getDiscount(currency, date)
#Cleaning the dataframe from duplicates, negatives, NA values
order <- unique(order)
prices <- order[paste0("price_", currency)]
prices <- prices[prices>0]
prices <- prices[!]
total <- sum(prices * (1-discount))
error = function(e){
#verifying if the currency selected exist on the dataframe
stop("The currency is not found!")
warning("Order without products!")
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