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edeca / every_odd_byte_zero_upper_nibble.yar
Created May 30, 2024 21:01
A simple YARA rule to check every other byte has zero as upper nibble
/* Posted in answer to the question:
* "As a Yara rule, what's the right way to specify that every byte
* at an odd address must have a zero as its upper nybble?
* Should I use an iterator for this, or is there a better way?"
* Asked by @travisgoodspeed on Twitter / X:
edeca / high_entropy_pe_rules.yar
Created January 2, 2022 14:46
Variations on Yara rules by @greglesnewich
Original rule from:
Two variations on the original rule by @greglesnewich.
Conversation on Twitter at:
edeca / yara_example_1.yar
Last active January 6, 2023 02:13
Yara rule to find a string near to other strings
import "math"
rule example {
author = "David Cannings"
description = "Rule example - finding a chunk of code near other known code"
$chunk = { AA BB CC DD }
$chunk_prologue = { 11 22 33 44 }
edeca / mstscax_ole.yar
Last active January 6, 2023 02:14
Yara rule to detect documents (RTF/CDF/OOXML) using MsTscAx scripting controls
rule terminal_services_scripting {
author = "David Cannings"
description = "Microsoft Terminal Services Client Control (not safe for scripting)"
ref = ""
generated_by = "yaml2yara, see"
// Parsers will open files without the full 'rtf'
$header_rtf = "{\\rt" nocase
edeca /
Last active September 18, 2024 18:56
Find functions in IDA which are called by library functions and probably aren't user code
import idaapi
from idautils import *
# Date: October 2019
# Author: David Cannings (@edeca)
# Rename all functions that are called by library code as "__unknown_library_function_N".
edeca /
Created October 17, 2019 12:57
Simple script to turn strings copied from IDA into Yara strings
import fileinput
import re
import string
# Author: David Cannings
# Convert IDA string output to a Yara rule, escaping as necessary
# and using unicode modifiers.
import argparse
from base64 import b64decode
from binascii import unhexlify
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# Author: David Cannings
# Date: 7th November 2018
# Quick and dirty cpassword decryption tool, ported to Python from the
edeca /
Created September 20, 2018 21:36
A simple script to check PE files for exploit mitigations (/DYNAMICBASE, /NXCOMPAT, /HIGHENTROPYVA) and anomalies
import argparse
import logging
import pefile
import sys
from prettytable import PrettyTable
# Author: David Cannings @edeca
# Date: September 2018
edeca /
Last active September 14, 2017 05:38
List of additional Paranoid PlugX indicators

Paranoid PlugX

This gist contains brief details of additional "Paranoid PlugX" files, likely associated with a sophisticated attacker. NCC Group is monitoring a number of OOXML and RTF techniques our red team has been using since September 2016, which uncovered multiple malicious documents from around August 2017.

For the original Paranoid PlugX article, please see: (h/t Palo and @tlansec).


A few documents can be found which use to obtain further malicious content.

edeca /
Created June 3, 2017 14:05
Basic solving of a "suko" puzzle using pysmt
from pysmt.shortcuts import Symbol, Plus, Equals, GE, LE, And, Int, AllDifferent, get_model
from pysmt.typing import INT
# Author: David Cannings
# Date: June 2017
# Basic example using pysmt to solve "Suko", a puzzle printed in some
# UK newspapers and available online.