var canvasWidth = 960; |
var canvasHeight = 500; |
var slider1, slider2, slider3, slider4, slider5; |
var drawFaceSelector; |
var curRandomSeed = 0; |
function setup () { |
// create the drawing canvas, save the canvas element |
var main_canvas = createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); |
main_canvas.parent('canvasContainer'); |
randButton = createButton('randomize'); |
randButton.mousePressed(changeRandomSeed); |
randButton.parent('selector1Container'); |
// rotation in degrees |
angleMode(DEGREES); |
rectMode(CENTER); |
colorMode(HSB); |
noStroke(); |
bert_drawFace = color(45, 90, 95) |
bert_nose = color(29, 96, 94) |
ernie_drawFace = color(30, 90, 92) |
ernie_drawEars = color(30, 90, 75); |
mouth = color(351, 100, 55) |
oscar_drawFace = color(75, 80, 50) |
oscar_brow = color(23, 80, 30) |
elmo_face_color = color(0, 100, 80); |
changeRandomSeed() |
} |
function mouseClicked() { |
changeRandomSeed(); |
} |
var ernie_drawFace; //orange |
var ernie_drawEars; |
var ernie_nose = "rgb(218, 10, 31)" //red |
var bert_drawFace //yellow |
var bert_nose //orange |
var oscar_drawFace; |
var oscar_brow; |
var elmo_face_color; |
function drawErnie(x, y, w, h, tilt_value, eye_value, mouth_value) { |
// move to position1, rotate, draw "head" ellipse |
push(); |
translate(x, y); |
rotate(-tilt_value/2); |
scale(0.6); |
//ears |
var rotation = -30; |
fill(ernie_drawEars); |
translate(-290/2, -10); |
rotate(rotation) |
ellipse(0, 0, 60, 70); |
rotate(-rotation) |
translate(290, 0); |
rotate(-rotation) |
ellipse(0, 0, 60, 70); |
rotate(rotation) |
translate(-290/2, 10); |
fill(ernie_drawFace); |
ellipse(0, 0, 290, 230); |
drawMouthEllipse(0, 30, 230, 50, 0.8-0.4*mouth_value/100, mouth, ernie_drawFace); |
// set fill to match background color |
var rotation = -40; |
fill("white"); |
// draw two eyes |
rotate(rotation) |
ellipse(-10, -50, 60, 50); |
rotate(-rotation*2) |
ellipse(10, -50, 60, 50); |
rotate(rotation) |
// set fill back to black for eyeballs |
fill("black"); |
rotate(rotation) |
ellipse(5-eye_value/100*20, -50, 25, 25); |
rotate(-rotation*2) |
ellipse(-5+eye_value/100*20, -50, 25, 25); |
rotate(rotation) |
fill(ernie_nose) |
ellipse(0, 5, 65, 70); |
pop(); |
} |
function drawBert(x, y, w, h, tilt_value, eye_value, mouth_value) { |
// move to position2, rotate, draw "head" ellipse |
push(); |
translate(x, y); |
rotate(tilt_value/2); |
scale(0.6); |
fill(bert_drawFace); |
ellipse(0, 0, 240, 370); |
translate(0, 30) |
var bert_mouth_h = 54; |
// mouth-hole with background color |
drawMouthArc(0, 30, 200, 5+50*mouth_value/100, mouth); |
// set fill to match background color |
var diff = map(eye_value, 0, 100, 0, 10); |
fill("white"); |
// draw two eyes |
ellipse(-50, -80+diff, 70); |
ellipse( 50, -80+diff, 70); |
// set fill back to foreground for eyeballs |
fill("black"); |
ellipse(-40, -80+diff, 30); |
ellipse( 40, -80+diff, 30); |
//bert eyebrows |
fill("black") |
rect(0, -120-30*eye_value/100, 180, 25) |
fill(bert_nose); |
ellipse(0, -10, 80, 110) |
pop(); |
} |
function drawOscar(x, y, w, h, tilt_value, eye_value, mouth_value) { |
// move to position1, rotate, draw "head" ellipse |
push(); |
translate(x, y); |
rotate(tilt_value*1.5); |
scale(0.6); |
//squeeze oscar |
fill(oscar_drawFace); |
ellipse(0, 0, 290, 200); |
drawMouthArc(0, 20, 260, 20+30*mouth_value/100, 'black'); |
// set fill to match background color |
fill("white"); |
// draw two eyes |
ellipse(-40, -20, 60, 45); |
ellipse( 40, -20, 60, 45); |
// set fill back to black for eyeballs |
fill("black"); |
ellipse(-40, -20, 30); |
ellipse( 40, -20, 30); |
//oscar eyebrows |
fill(oscar_brow) |
rect(0, map(eye_value, 0, 100, -65, -40), 180, 20) |
pop(); |
} |
function drawElmo(x, y, w, h, tilt_value, eye_value, mouth_value) { |
// move to position1, rotate, draw "head" ellipse |
push(); |
translate(x, y); |
rotate(tilt_value); |
scale(0.6); |
//squeeze oscar |
fill(elmo_face_color); |
ellipse(0, 0, 260, 230); |
drawMouthArc(0, 10, 220, 20+60*mouth_value/100, 'black'); |
// set fill to match background color |
fill("white"); |
// draw two eyes |
ellipse(-40, -110, 70); |
ellipse( 40, -110, 70); |
// set fill back to black for eyeballs |
fill("black"); |
ellipse(-37, -95-30*eye_value/100, 25); |
ellipse( 37, -95-30*eye_value/100, 25); |
fill(bert_nose) |
ellipse(0, -60, 70, 80); |
pop(); |
} |
function drawMouthArc(x, y, width, height, mouthColor, inverse){ |
//default to 0 |
inverse |= false |
fill(mouthColor); |
if(inverse) |
arc(x, y+height, width, height*2, 180, 180, CHORD) |
else |
arc(x, y, width, height*2, 0, 180, CHORD) |
} |
function drawMouthEllipse(x, y, width, height, ellipseMod, mouthColor, faceColor){ |
var ellipseHeight = height*2*ellipseMod; |
var ellipseY = y-height+ellipseHeight/2 |
// mouth-hole with background color |
fill(mouth); |
ellipse(x, y, width, height*2); |
//cut out mouth |
fill(ernie_drawFace); |
ellipse(x, ellipseY, width*1.1, ellipseHeight*1.1); |
} |
var drawFuncs = [drawErnie, drawBert, drawOscar, drawElmo]; |
var lastSwap; |
function changeRandomSeed() { |
var startPositions = [createVector(0.25*canvasWidth, 0.25*canvasHeight), |
createVector(0.25*canvasWidth, 0.75*canvasHeight), |
createVector(0.75*canvasWidth, 0.75*canvasHeight), |
createVector(0.75*canvasWidth, 0.25*canvasHeight), |
createVector(0.5*canvasWidth, 0.5*canvasHeight)] |
curRandomSeed = curRandomSeed + 1; |
//randomize draws |
drawFuncs = shuffle(drawFuncs); |
drawFuncs.forEach(function(val, i){ |
//if already rendered, just randomize drawFuncs |
if(objects[i]){ |
objects[i].tilt = null; |
objects[i].smile = null; |
objects[i].eyes = null; |
objects[i].draw = drawFuncs[i]; |
} |
else |
objects[i] = new PhysicsObject(startPositions[i], p5.Vector.fromAngle(focusedRandom(0, TAU)), drawFuncs[i]); |
}) |
lastSwap = millis(); |
} |
//buffer around edges |
var buffer = 60; |
class PhysicsObject{ |
constructor(startPos, startVel, drawFunc){ |
this.position = startPos.copy(); |
this.velocity = startVel.copy(); |
this.draw = drawFunc; |
} |
updatePhysics(){ |
var time = millis(); |
//set velocity of object |
if(this.push) |
this.velocity = this.push.getVal(time).mult(this.speed.getVal(time)); |
//if outta bounds |
if(this.withinBufferDistance()) |
this.velocity.rotate(180); |
this.position.add(this.velocity) |
} |
withinBufferDistance(){ |
var minDist = buffer*2.5; |
var pos = this.position; |
objects.forEach(function(object){ |
if(pos != object.position) |
minDist = min(pos.dist(object.position), minDist); |
}) |
if(minDist < buffer*2.5) |
this.smile = new Lerper(millis(), 1500, function(val){ |
return 50+50*sin(val*360*6); |
}) |
return this.position.x <= buffer || this.position.y <= buffer || |
canvasWidth-buffer <= this.position.x || canvasHeight-buffer <= this.position.y || |
minDist < buffer*2.5; |
} |
getHappiness(){ |
var minDist = buffer*6; |
var pos = this.position; |
objects.forEach(function(object){ |
if(pos != object.position) |
minDist = min(pos.dist(object.position), minDist); |
}) |
var returnVal = constrain(map(minDist, buffer*6, buffer*2.5, 0, 1), 0, 1); |
return returnVal*returnVal; |
} |
} |
//physics update tick |
(function doPhysicsUpdate(){ |
setTimeout(doPhysicsUpdate, 20); |
if(objects) |
objects.forEach(function(object){ |
object.updatePhysics(); |
}); |
})(); |
//mod helper |
Math.mod = function(x, y){ |
return x - y * floor(x / y) |
} |
//list of physics objects |
var objects = []; |
class Lerper{ |
constructor(startTime, duration, from, to){ |
this.startTime = startTime; |
this.duration = duration; |
if(typeof from == "number"){ |
this.from = from; |
this.to = to; |
} else if(from instanceof Function) |
this.func = from; |
} |
getVal(time){ |
//slerp time to 0..1, slerped 0..1 mapped on from..to |
if(this.from !== undefined) |
return this.doLerp(time)*(this.to-this.from)+this.from; |
else if(this.func !== undefined) |
return this.func(this.doLerp(time)); |
else |
return this.doLerp(time); |
} |
doLerp(time){ |
return (time-this.startTime)/this.duration; |
} |
isFinished(time){ |
return (this.startTime+this.duration) < time; |
} |
} |
class Slerper extends Lerper{ |
getVal(time){ |
//slerp time to 0..1, slerped 0..1 mapped on from..to |
if(this.from !== undefined) |
return this.doSlerp(time)*(this.to-this.from)+this.from; |
else if(this.func !== undefined) |
return this.func(this.doSlerp(time)); |
else |
return this.doSlerp(time); |
} |
doSlerp(time){ |
return slerp((time-this.startTime)/this.duration); |
} |
} |
function slerp(val){ |
val = constrain(val, 0, 1); |
return (cos(180+180*val)+1)/2; |
} |
var alwaysRand = new Math.seedrandom(focusedRandom()) |
function draw () { |
if(lastSwap+5000 < millis()) |
changeRandomSeed(); |
resetFocusedRandom(curRandomSeed); |
noStroke(); |
//light blue |
background(210, 70, 100); |
var w = canvasWidth / 5; |
var h = canvasHeight / 3; |
objects.forEach(function(object, i){ |
var time = millis(); |
var x = object.position.x; |
var y = object.position.y; |
//set velocity |
if(!object.push || object.push.isFinished(time)){ |
var div = 20 |
let delta = focusedRandom(-PI/div, PI/div, 10, 0, alwaysRand); |
var duration = focusedRandom(2000, 5000, 1, 3000, alwaysRand) |
if(object.speed) |
var fromSpeed = object.speed.to; |
else |
var fromSpeed = focusedRandom(4, 0.2, 2, 1, alwaysRand); |
let toSpeed = focusedRandom(5, 0.2, 2, 1, alwaysRand); |
object.speed = new Slerper(time, duration, fromSpeed, toSpeed); |
object.push = new Lerper(time, duration, function(val){ |
return p5.Vector.fromAngle(object.velocity.heading()+delta); |
}) |
} |
//set tilt |
if(!object.tilt || object.tilt.isFinished(time)){ |
if(object.tilt) |
var from = object.tilt.to; |
else |
var from = focusedRandom(-90, 90, 4, from/3, alwaysRand); |
var duration = focusedRandom(500, 2000, 1, 1000, alwaysRand) |
var to = focusedRandom(-90, 90, 4, from/3, alwaysRand) |
object.tilt = new Slerper(time, duration, from, to) |
} |
//set smile |
if(!object.smile || object.smile.isFinished(time)){ |
if(object.smile && typeof object.smile.to == "number") |
var from = object.smile.to; |
else |
var from = focusedRandom(40, 100, 1, 60, alwaysRand) |
var duration = focusedRandom(100, 3000, 2, 600, alwaysRand) |
if(focusedRandom(null, null, null, null, alwaysRand) < 0.3) |
var to = from |
else |
var to = focusedRandom(20, 100, 2, 60, alwaysRand) |
object.smile = new Slerper(time, duration, from, to) |
} |
//set eyes |
if(!object.eyes || object.eyes.isFinished(time)){ |
if(object.eyes && typeof object.eyes.to == "number") |
var from = object.eyes.to; |
else |
var from = 50 |
var duration = focusedRandom(100, 2000, 1, 1000, alwaysRand) |
var to = focusedRandom(0, 100, 1, 50, alwaysRand) |
object.eyes = new Slerper(time, duration, from, to) |
} |
//do the draw |
object.draw(x, y, w, h, object.tilt.getVal(time), object.eyes.getVal(time), max(object.smile.getVal(time), 100*object.getHappiness())); |
}) |
} |
function keyTyped() { |
if (key == '!') { |
saveBlocksImages(); |
} |
else if (key == '@') { |
saveBlocksImages(true); |
} |
} |