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Forked from daddycocoaman/
Created September 30, 2020 09:45
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## PyDefenderCheck - Python implementation of DefenderCheck
## Author: daddycocoaman
## Based on:
import argparse
import enum
import json
import subprocess
import tempfile
from itertools import zip_longest
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from pathlib import Path
# Taken from
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
# Modified from
def hexdump(hexBytes: bytes, startingByte: int = 0, bytesPerLine: int = 16) -> str:
result = []
hexStringWidth = bytesPerLine * 3
for idx, line in enumerate(grouper(hexBytes, bytesPerLine)):
s1 = " ".join([f"{i:02x}" for i in line]) # hex string
s1 = (
s1[0:23] + " " + s1[23:]
) # insert extra space between groups of 8 hex values
s2 = "".join(
[chr(i) if 32 <= i <= 127 else "." for i in line]
) # ascii string; chained comparison
f"{startingByte - 256 + (idx * 16):08x} {s1:<{hexStringWidth}} {s2}"
return "\n".join(result)
class ScanResult(enum.Enum):
NoThreatFound = 0
ThreatFound = 2
class DefenderScannerResult:
filename: str
signature: str
offendingOffset: int
hexdump: str
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self.signature and self.offendingOffset and self.hexdump:
sig = f"\nSignature: {self.signature}\n"
offset = f"Offset: {self.offendingOffset}\n\n"
return sig + offset + self.hexdump
return "No threat found!"
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(asdict(self))
class DefenderScanner:
def __init__(self, filename: Path) -> None:
self.filename = filename
self.signature = None
self.lastgood = 0
self.complete = False
self.offendingOffset = 0
self.hexdump = None
def result(self) -> DefenderScannerResult:
return DefenderScannerResult(
str(self.filename), self.signature, self.offendingOffset, self.hexdump
def _scan(self, filename: Path, getsig=False) -> ScanResult:
procArguments = f"C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe -Scan -ScanType 3 -File {filename.absolute()} -DisableRemediation -Trace -Level 0x10"
process =, timeout=30, capture_output=True)
if not self.signature:
for line in process.stdout.splitlines():
if line.startswith(b"Threat"):
self.signature = line.split()[-1].decode()
return ScanResult(process.returncode)
def _halfSplit(self, originalBytes: bytes) -> bytes:
splitBytesLen = (len(originalBytes) - self.lastgood) // 2 + self.lastgood
if len(originalBytes) == splitBytesLen + 1:
self.offendingOffset = hex(len(originalBytes))
if len(originalBytes) < 256:
self.hexdump = hexdump(originalBytes, int(self.offendingOffset, 16))
self.hexdump = hexdump(
originalBytes[-256:], int(self.offendingOffset, 16)
self.complete = True
return originalBytes[:splitBytesLen]
def _overshot(self, originalBytes: bytes, splitbytessize: int) -> bytes:
newsize = (len(originalBytes) - splitbytessize) // 2 + splitbytessize
if newsize == len(originalBytes) - 1:
return None
return originalBytes[:newsize]
def scan(self):
originalPath = Path(self.filename)
originalFileStatus = self._scan(originalPath, True)
# No threat found. Exit.
if originalFileStatus == ScanResult.NoThreatFound:
self.complete = True
# Start half-splitting
originalFileBytes = originalPath.read_bytes()
fileBytebytesPerLine = len(originalFileBytes) // 2
splitArray1 = originalFileBytes[:fileBytebytesPerLine]
while not self.complete and splitArray1:
if splitArray1 is None:
print("Exhausted the search. The binary looks good to go!")
split1TempFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
result = self._scan(Path(
if result == ScanResult.ThreatFound:
splitArray1 = self._halfSplit(splitArray1)
# If threat not found, scan second half and continue recursion
elif result == ScanResult.NoThreatFound:
self.lastgood = len(splitArray1)
splitArray1 = self._overshot(originalFileBytes, len(splitArray1))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Python version of DefenderCheck")
parser.add_argument("filename", type=argparse.FileType("r"))
args = parser.parse_args()
scanner = DefenderScanner(Path(
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