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Last active February 20, 2020 06:19
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
USERS='1000,User Demo 1,Department 1,#202020,user1,ekSRl1D3?8$:,2022-09-09\n1002,User Demo 2,Department 2,#32432,user2,ev5*&#A$@kLs,2021-02-19\n'
create_users () {
while IFS=',' read -r id name area folio username password expiration
grep "^${username}:" /etc/passwd || useradd ${username}
usermod -c "${id} - ${name} / ${area} / ${folio} / ${expiration}" ${username}
echo -e "${password}\n${password}" | passwd ${username}
chage -d 0 -m 0 -M 90 -W 10 -I -1 -E ${expiration} ${username}
done <<<"$(echo -e "${1}")"
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