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Created June 4, 2013 21:51
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pygments for Elixir
for lbrace, rbrace, name, in ('\\{', '\\}', 'cb'), \
('\\[', '\\]', 'sb'), \
('\\(', '\\)', 'pa'), \
('\\<', '\\>', 'lt'):
states['strings'] += [
(r'%[a-z]' + lbrace + r'(?<!\w)\?(\\(x\d{1,2}|\h{1,2}(?!\h)\b|0[0-7]{0,2}(?![0-7])\b|'
String.Double, name + 'intp'),
(r'%[A-Z]' + lbrace, String.Double, name + 'no-intp')
states[name +'intp'] = [
(r'' + rbrace + '[a-z]*', String.Double, "#pop"),
states[name +'no-intp'] = [
(r'.*' + rbrace + '[a-z]*', String.Double , "#pop")
return states
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