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Last active August 13, 2021 17:47
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A function to create a random date in Swift 3
// credit to @eirnym, adapted this from their OBJC code:
// generates a random date and time in the past, limited by daysBack (a number of days before today)
// also generates a random time to go with that date.
// original request:
func generateRandomDate(daysBack: Int)-> Date?{
let day = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(daysBack))+1
let hour = arc4random_uniform(23)
let minute = arc4random_uniform(59)
let today = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)
let gregorian = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendar.Identifier.gregorian)
var offsetComponents = DateComponents() = -1 * Int(day - 1)
offsetComponents.hour = -1 * Int(hour)
offsetComponents.minute = -1 * Int(minute)
let randomDate = gregorian?.date(byAdding: offsetComponents, to: today, options: .init(rawValue: 0) )
return randomDate
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CommanderPho commented May 23, 2018

This seems to be the reverse of what is described in the comments:
It actually gives a random date/time in the future, still limited by the argument number of days.

I believe it could be simply corrected: by either changing line 17 to = -Int(day - 1) // Adding the minus sign
or by changing the documentation to reflect that it actually gives days in the future, and changing the argument name to daysAhead

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This seems to be the reverse of what is described in the comments:
It actually gives a random date/time in the future, still limited by the argument number of days.

I believe it could be simply corrected: by either changing line 17 to = -Int(day - 1) // Adding the minus sign
or by changing the documentation to reflect that it actually gives days in the future, and changing the argument name to daysAhead

Thanks! Fixed

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johnhenryking commented Jan 20, 2020

To make it truly random, (on line 17) you can change "-1" to:
Bool.random() == true ? 1 : -1

This will allow some dates to be in the future and some to be in the past.

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