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Created December 30, 2019 20:45
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λ doom -d re ~
Loading /nix/store/bqvfhil4b775r16hf7bp2pzb4wzhy4bi-emacs-26.3/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el (source)...
> Initiating a refresh of Doom Emacs...
> Regenerating envvars file at "~/.emacs.d/.local/env"
- Scraping shell environment
- Ignoring __ETC_PROFILE_DONE=1
- Ignoring DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-V2R1grAZha,guid=f8897b6076bb89239a7a922a5e0973cf
- Ignoring TERM=xterm-termite
- Ignoring HOME=/home/emiller
- Ignoring PWD=/home/emiller
- Ignoring SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/run/user/1000/gnupg/d.47jbnfnz37q1x4z9p6xi7zjy/S.gpg-agent.ssh
- Ignoring DEBUG=1
- Ignoring GPG_TTY=/dev/pts/2
✓ Successfully generated "~/.emacs.d/.local/env"
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/buffers.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cache.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/cli.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/config.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/debug.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/files.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/fonts.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/format.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/help.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/packages.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/plist.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/projects.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/scratch.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/sessions.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/text.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/themes.el (source)...
Loading /home/emiller/.emacs.d/core/autoload/ui.el (source)...
DOOM Initializing package.el
DOOM Initializing straight
DOOM Initializing doom-packages
DOOM Ignoring package ns-auto-titlebar
DOOM Ignoring package vc
DOOM Ignoring package vc-annotate
DOOM Ignoring package smerge-mode
DOOM Ignoring package vterm
DOOM Ignoring package elisp-mode
DOOM Ignoring package css-mode
DOOM Ignoring package less-css-mode
Compiling your literate config...
Loading /nix/store/bqvfhil4b775r16hf7bp2pzb4wzhy4bi-emacs-26.3/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el (source)...
Tangled 57 code blocks from
> (Re)generating core autoloads...
> Generating core autoloads...
> Byte-compiling core autoloads file...
In toplevel form:
autoloads.el:2066:50:Warning: reference to free variable ‘rotate-text-words’
autoloads.el:2066:50:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘rotate-text-words’
In end of data:
autoloads.el:4183:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
defined: restart-emacs, elfeed, +evil/next-end-of-method,
+org/toggle-fold, +org/close-fold, outline-hide-subtree, lsp-deferred,
magit-version, doom-modeline-def-modeline, doom-modeline-def-segment,
doom-modeline-set-modeline, vi-tilde-fringe-mode, +workspace-p,
perspective-p, +workspace-contains-buffer-p, persp-contain-buffer-p,
+workspace-current, get-current-persp
✓ Generated .local/autoloads.elc
> Installing & building packages...
✓ No packages need to be installed
> (Re)building packages...
✓ No packages need rebuilding
> Purging orphaned packages (for the emperor)...
- No builds to purge
- Skipping elpa packages
- Skipping repos
- Skipping regrafting
> (Re)generating package autoloads...
> Generating package autoloads...
> Byte-compiling package autoloads file...
In toplevel form:
autoloads.pkg.el:4697:57:Warning: assignment to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:9684:47:Warning: reference to free variable ‘magit-mode-map’
autoloads.pkg.el:10822:432:Warning: reference to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:10822:603:Warning: assignment to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:12648:189:Warning: reference to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:13341:38:Warning: reference to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:13341:38:Warning: assignment to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:15210:67:Warning: reference to free variable ‘tramp-methods’
autoloads.pkg.el:15210:67:Warning: assignment to free variable ‘tramp-methods’
autoloads.pkg.el:15210:297:Warning: reference to free variable
autoloads.pkg.el:15210:297:Warning: assignment to free variable
In end of data:
autoloads.pkg.el:17992:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be
defined: tramp-set-completion-function, sesman-install-menu,
(autoload (quote __FILE__) "load-relative" (quote ("/home/emiller/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.pkg.elc" . 312675)) /home/emiller/\.emacs\.d/\.local/straight/build/load-relative/load-relative-autoloads\.el "' which should work in some\nsubset of the same places that the first method works. However\n`" /home/emiller/\.emacs\.d/\.local/straight/build/load-relative/load-relative-autoloads\.el "' will be nil for code that is eval'd. To cover\nthose cases, we try function `buffer-file-name' which is initially\ncorrect, for eval'd code, but will change and may be wrong if the\ncode sets or switches buffers after the initial execution.\n\nAs a last resort, you can pass in SYMBOL which should be some\nsymbol that has been previously defined if none of the above\nmethods work we will use the file-name value find via\n`symbol-file'.\n\n(fn &optional SYMBOL)" nil nil)
load("/home/emiller/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.pkg.elc" nil t)
(progn (if doom-interactive-mode nil (add-hook (quote doom-cli-post-success-execute-hook) (function doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h))) (load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t))
(if (byte-compile-file file) (progn (if doom-interactive-mode nil (add-hook (quote doom-cli-post-success-execute-hook) (function doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h))) (load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t)))
(let ((byte-compile-warnings (if doom-debug-mode byte-compile-warnings)) (byte-compile-dynamic t) (byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t)) (if (byte-compile-file file) (progn (if doom-interactive-mode nil (add-hook (quote doom-cli-post-success-execute-hook) (function doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h))) (load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t))))
(condition-case e (let ((byte-compile-warnings (if doom-debug-mode byte-compile-warnings)) (byte-compile-dynamic t) (byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t)) (if (byte-compile-file file) (progn (if doom-interactive-mode nil (add-hook (quote doom-cli-post-success-execute-hook) (function doom-cli--warn-refresh-session-h))) (load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t)))) ((debug error) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (signal (quote doom-autoload-error) (list file e))))
(and (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Generating package autoloads...")))) (doom-cli--write-autoloads file (doom-cli--generate-var-cache doom-autoload-cached-vars) (doom-cli--generate-autoloads (mapcar (function straight--autoloads-file) (cl-set-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache) doom-autoload-excluded-packages :test (function string=))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Byte-compiling package autoloads file...")))) (doom-cli--byte-compile-file file) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Generated %s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) (byte-compile-dest-file file) doom-emacs-dir)))))
(if (or force-p (not (file-exists-p file)) (file-newer-than-file-p package-user-dir file) (let* ((--cl-var-- (straight--directory-files (straight--build-dir))) (dir nil) (--cl-var-- t) --cl-var--) (while (and (consp --cl-var--) (progn (setq dir (car --cl-var--)) (if (cl-find-if ... ...) (setq --cl-var-- t --cl-var-- nil) t))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) --cl-var--) (not (let* ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (path nil) (--cl-var-- t) --cl-var--) (catch (quote --cl-block---cl-finish----) (maphash (function (lambda ... ...)) doom-modules)) --cl-var--))) (and (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Generating package autoloads...")))) (doom-cli--write-autoloads file (doom-cli--generate-var-cache doom-autoload-cached-vars) (doom-cli--generate-autoloads (mapcar (function straight--autoloads-file) (cl-set-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache) doom-autoload-excluded-packages :test (function string=))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Byte-compiling package autoloads file...")))) (doom-cli--byte-compile-file file) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Generated %s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) (byte-compile-dest-file file) doom-emacs-dir))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Package autoloads are up-to-date")))) nil)
(let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (doom-initialize-packages) (if (or force-p (not (file-exists-p file)) (file-newer-than-file-p package-user-dir file) (let* ((--cl-var-- (straight--directory-files (straight--build-dir))) (dir nil) (--cl-var-- t) --cl-var--) (while (and (consp --cl-var--) (progn (setq dir ...) (if ... ... t))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) --cl-var--) (not (let* ((doom-modules (doom-modules)) (path nil) (--cl-var-- t) --cl-var--) (catch (quote --cl-block---cl-finish----) (maphash (function ...) doom-modules)) --cl-var--))) (and (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Generating package autoloads...")))) (doom-cli--write-autoloads file (doom-cli--generate-var-cache doom-autoload-cached-vars) (doom-cli--generate-autoloads (mapcar (function straight--autoloads-file) (cl-set-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache) doom-autoload-excluded-packages :test (function string=))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Byte-compiling package autoloads file...")))) (doom-cli--byte-compile-file file) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Generated %s") (doom--format-class (quote relpath) (byte-compile-dest-file file) doom-emacs-dir))))) (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote success) "Package autoloads are up-to-date")))) nil))
doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads("/home/emiller/.emacs.d/.local/autoloads.pkg.el" t)
(cond ((eq type (quote core)) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads doom-autoload-file force-p)) ((eq type (quote package)) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads doom-package-autoload-file force-p)) ((error "Invalid autoloads file: %s" type)))
(if type (cond ((eq type (quote core)) (doom-cli-reload-core-autoloads doom-autoload-file force-p)) ((eq type (quote package)) (doom-cli-reload-package-autoloads doom-package-autoload-file force-p)) ((error "Invalid autoloads file: %s" type))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) force-p) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) force-p))
doom-cli-reload-autoloads(package t)
(unwind-protect (progn (and (doom-cli-packages-install) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-build) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (setq success t))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success (not if-necessary-p))) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile)))
(let (success) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car --dolist-tail--))) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) (not if-necessary-p)) (unwind-protect (progn (and (doom-cli-packages-install) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-build) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (setq success t))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success (not if-necessary-p))) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile))) t)
(let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let (success) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file (car --dolist-tail--))) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) (not if-necessary-p)) (unwind-protect (progn (and (doom-cli-packages-install) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-build) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (setq success t))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success (not if-necessary-p))) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile))) t))
(let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Initiating a refresh of Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let (success) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((file ...)) (delete-file file) (delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) (not if-necessary-p)) (unwind-protect (progn (and (doom-cli-packages-install) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-build) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p (quote builds-p) prune-p prune-p) (setq success t))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success (not if-necessary-p))) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile))) t)))
(closure ((plist :bare t :group "Maintenance") (aliases re sync) (name . refresh) cl-struct-doom-cli-option-tags cl-struct-doom-cli-tags t) (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Initiating a refresh of Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let (success) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file (quote force)))) (let ((--dolist-tail-- (list doom-autoload-file doom-package-autoload-file))) (while --dolist-tail-- (let (...) (delete-file file) (delete-file ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) (not if-necessary-p)) (unwind-protect (progn (and (doom-cli-packages-install) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-build) (setq success t)) (and (doom-cli-packages-purge prune-p ... prune-p prune-p) (setq success t))) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success (not if-necessary-p))) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile))) t))))(nil)
funcall((closure ((plist :bare t :group "Maintenance") (aliases re sync) (name . refresh) cl-struct-doom-cli-option-tags cl-struct-doom-cli-tags t) (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((if-necessary-p (cdr (assq (quote if-necessary-p) --alist--))) (inhibit-envvar-p (cdr (assq (quote inhibit-envvar-p) --alist--))) (prune-p (cdr (assq (quote prune-p) --alist--)))) :bare t (doom--format-print (doom--format (format (doom--format-class (quote start) "Initiating a refresh of Doom Emacs...")))) (let ((doom-format-indent (+ doom-format-indent-increment doom-format-indent))) (let (success) (if (and (not inhibit-envvar-p) (file-exists-p doom-env-file)) (progn (doom-cli-reload-env-file ...))) (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ... ... ... ...))) (doom-initialize (quote force) (quote noerror)) (doom-initialize-modules) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote core) (not if-necessary-p)) (unwind-protect (progn (and ... ...) (and ... ...) (and ... ...)) (doom-cli-reload-autoloads (quote package) (or success ...)) (doom-cli-byte-compile nil (quote recompile))) t)))) nil)
(if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command))
(let* ((cli (and t (doom-cli-get command)))) (if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
doom-cli-execute("re" nil)
(and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time))))
(let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time)))))
(condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time))))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" (get (car e) (quote error-message)))) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if (cdr e) (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) item) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq item ...) (print! "%S" item) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...))) (print! "n/a")))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join (append (list (file-name-nondirectory load-file-name) "-d" command) args) " ")) (error ""))))
(cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time (time-subtract ... start-time))))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" (get ... ...))) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if (cdr e) (let ... ...) (print! "n/a")))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join (append ... args) " ")) (error ""))))))
(let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (setq args (cons command args)) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (message (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This isn't necessary and is likely\n" "unintentional. It will cause file permissions errors later if you use this\n" "Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time (current-time))) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! (success "Finished! (%.4fs)") (float-time ...)))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" (bold "Type:") (car e)) (print! (bold "Message:")) (print-group! (print! "%s" ...)) (print! (bold "Data:")) (print-group! (if ... ... ...))) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! (concat "Run the command again with the -d (or --debug) switch to enable debug\n" "mode and (hopefully) generate a backtrace from this error:\n" "\n %s\n\n" "If you file a bug report, please include it!") (string-join ... " ")) (error "")))))))
(lambda (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (setq args (cons command args)) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (message (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This isn't necessary and is likely\n" "unintentional. It will cause file permissions errors later if you use this\n" "Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time ...)) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! ... ...))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" ... ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...)) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! ... ...) (error ""))))))))(((command . "re")))
funcall((lambda (--alist--) (ignore --alist--) (let ((help-p (cdr (assq (quote help-p) --alist--))) (debug-p (cdr (assq (quote debug-p) --alist--))) (yes-p (cdr (assq (quote yes-p) --alist--))) (emacsdir (cdr (assq (quote emacsdir) --alist--))) (doomdir (cdr (assq (quote doomdir) --alist--))) (localdir (cdr (assq (quote localdir) --alist--))) (command (cdr (assq (quote command) --alist--))) (args (cdr (assq (quote args) --alist--)))) :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (setq args (cons command args)) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (message (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This isn't necessary and is likely\n" "unintentional. It will cause file permissions errors later if you use this\n" "Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let (...) (and ... ...)) (user-error (print! ... ...) (print! ... ...) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! ...) (print-group! ... ... ... ... ...) (if debug-on-error nil ... ... ...))))))) ((command . "re")))
(if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command))
(let* ((cli (and t (doom-cli-get command)))) (if cli (funcall (progn (or (and (memq (type-of cli) cl-struct-doom-cli-tags) t) (signal (quote wrong-type-argument) (list (quote doom-cli) cli))) (aref cli 7)) (doom--cli-process cli args)) (user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
doom-cli-execute(:main ("re"))
(let* ((loaddir (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name))) (emacsdir (getenv "EMACSDIR")) (user-emacs-directory (or emacsdir (expand-file-name "../" loaddir))) (load-prefer-newer t)) (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "core" user-emacs-directory) load-path)) (require (quote core)) (require (quote core-cli)) (defcli! :main ((help-p ["-h" "--help"] "Same as help command") (debug-p ["-d" "--debug"] "Turns on doom-debug-mode (and debug-on-error)") (yes-p ["-y" "--yes"] "Auto-accept all confirmation prompts") (emacsdir ["--emacsdir" dir] "Use the emacs config at DIR (e.g. ~/.emacs.d)") (doomdir ["--doomdir" dir] "Use the private module at DIR (e.g. ~/.doom.d)") (localdir ["--localdir" dir] "Use DIR as your local storage directory") &optional command &rest args) "A command line interface for managing Doom Emacs.\n\nIncludes package management, diagnostics, unit tests, and byte-compilation.\n\nThis tool also makes it trivial to launch Emacs out of a different folder or\nwith a different private module." :bare t (if emacsdir (progn (setq user-emacs-directory (file-name-as-directory emacsdir)) (print! (info "EMACSDIR=%s") localdir))) (if doomdir (progn (setenv "DOOMDIR" doomdir) (print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))) (if localdir (progn (setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" localdir) (print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))) (if debug-p (progn (setenv "DEBUG" "1") (setq doom-debug-mode t) (print! (info "Debug mode on")))) (if yes-p (progn (setenv "YES" "1") (setq doom-auto-accept t) (print! (info "Auto-yes on")))) (if help-p (progn (setq args (cons command args)) (setq command "help"))) (if (equal (user-real-uid) 0) (progn (message (concat "WARNING: This script is running as root. This isn't necessary and is likely\n" "unintentional. It will cause file permissions errors later if you use this\n" "Doom installation on a non-root account.\n")) (if (or doom-auto-accept (y-or-n-p "Continue anyway?")) nil (user-error "Aborted")))) (if (or emacsdir doomdir localdir) (progn (load! "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))) (cond ((not noninteractive) (print! "Doom launched out of %s (test mode)" (path user-emacs-directory)) (load! "init.el" user-emacs-directory) (doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h)) ((null command) (doom-cli-execute "help")) ((condition-case e (let ((start-time ...)) (and (doom-cli-execute command args) (print! ... ...))) (user-error (print! (error "%s\n") (error-message-string e)) (print! (yellow "See 'doom help %s' for documentation on this command.") (car args)) (error "")) ((debug error) (print! (error "There was an unexpected error:")) (print-group! (print! "%s %s" ... ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...) (print! ...) (print-group! ...)) (if debug-on-error nil (terpri) (print! ... ...) (error ""))))))) (doom-cli-execute :main (cdr (member "--" argv))) (setq argv nil))
eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "/home/emiller/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 5029
load-with-code-conversion("/home/emiller/.emacs.d/bin/doom" "/home/emiller/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t)
load("/home/emiller/.emacs.d/bin/doom" nil t t)
command-line-1(("-scriptload" "/home/emiller/.emacs.d/bin/doom" "--" "re"))
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