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Created February 20, 2020 04:03
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Remove "Copy of" filename prefix when copying an entire folder from one Google Drive account to another Google Drive account
/* Need to copy an entire folder from one Google Drive account to another Google Drive account?
* 1. Right-click on original folder in Google Drive
* 2. Share with the destination Google account
* 3. Go into destination account's Google Drive
* 4. Find the shared folder under "Shared with me"
* 5. Select all the files (Ctrl-A / Cmd-A)
* 6. Right-click, Make a copy
* 7. Create a New Folder in destination account's Google Drive
* 8. Go to Recent
* 9. Select all recently copied files and move to the new folder
* 10. Great, except all the filenames begin with "Copy of"xxxxxx.txt
* 11. Create a new Apps Script, perhaps using Google Sheets, and use the below script to remove the "Copy of" filename prefix!
function fileRename() {
var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName('FOLDERNAME');
var folder =;
var files = folder.getFiles();
var file =
var fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) {
fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1];
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Works like a dream. Thank you!

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Works great! Thank you. I'd love to get a script that will work with subfolders.

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Hello, from the google apps script, I got the following error: "Exception: Cannot retrieve the next object: iterator has reached the end."

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Worked great for me. Thanks!

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Thank you!

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FSJ2812 commented Jun 2, 2022

Works like a charm!!

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FSJ2812 commented Jun 2, 2022

Hello, from the google apps script, I got the following error: "Exception: Cannot retrieve the next object: iterator has reached the end."

Then there's no folder in such name.

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FSJ2812 commented Jun 2, 2022

Works great! Thank you. I'd love to get a script that will work with subfolders.

function fileRename() {
var files = DriveApp.getFiles();

var file =
var fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) {
fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1];

This works for every file in your drive.
If theres any flaw, someone can point it out..!

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ccfarah commented Jul 4, 2022

Thanks @edoan ! Works fine. I might just change step 11, and create a new Apps Script directly within Google Drive, which is slightly more economical than creating a Google Sheet just to create an Apps Script. Very minor amendment for the wonderful contribution!

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Works great! Thank you. I'd love to get a script that will work with subfolders.

function fileRename() { var files = DriveApp.getFiles();

while(files.hasNext()){ var file = var fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) { fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1]; file.setName(fileName); }; }; }

This works for every file in your drive. If there's any flaw, someone can point it out..!

This really helped me a lot, thank you! I have another question, and I am a novice for this kind of stuff, but how could I remove ".jpg" from the end of my photo titles in drive?

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Works a treat! Thanks!!

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Can't thank you enough!

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Thank you. Both all and specific folders script worked for me. Saved me so much time and trouble. This was an awesome find.

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Works great! Thank you. I'd love to get a script that will work with subfolders.

function fileRename() { var files = DriveApp.getFiles();

while(files.hasNext()){ var file = var fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) { fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1]; file.setName(fileName); }; }; }

This works for every file in your drive. If theres any flaw, someone can point it out..!

Thanks man.
It works (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)

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Fantastic, thank you!

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Just wanted to leave a huge thank you (!!) for this script! It works flawlessly. I made a Google Apps script inside the drive folder with the files, put in the folder name in this function, adjusted the prefix and it was all solved without any hassle. You cannot imagine how much help this has been.

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baigern commented Aug 9, 2023

Works great! Thank you. I'd love to get a script that will work with subfolders.

function fileRename() { var files = DriveApp.getFiles();

while(files.hasNext()){ var file = var fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) { fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1]; file.setName(fileName); }; }; }

This works for every file in your drive. If theres any flaw, someone can point it out..!

I keep getting the following error

"Exception: Access denied: DriveApp.
fileRename @"

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Skwalin commented Aug 9, 2023

I reworked this a bit to be fully recursive and to include the parent folder ID.

function fileRename() {
  var parentfolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
  var recursive = true;


  var folders = parentfolder.getFolders();
  while(folders.hasNext() && recursive){
    var folder =;

function getFilesFromFolder(folder){
  var folderName = folder.getName();
  var files = folder.getFiles();
    var file =
    var fileName = file.getName();
    if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) {
        fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1];

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Vegz78 commented Sep 11, 2023

Thanks, @edoan! -Saved my day!

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I'm using the Chinese version, and my original file is named "a.pdf." After making a copy, the file is named "a.pdf 的副本" (a copy of a.pdf). I can quickly change it back to "a.pdf," but when I download it, the default download filename becomes "a.pdf.pdf 的副本.pdf 的副本" (repeated twice). Does the English version have the same issue? I can't find a way to fix the default download filename.

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Skwalin commented Oct 12, 2023

I'm using the Chinese version, and my original file is named "a.pdf." After making a copy, the file is named "a.pdf 的副本" (a copy of a.pdf). I can quickly change it back to "a.pdf," but when I download it, the default download filename becomes "a.pdf.pdf 的副本.pdf 的副本" (repeated twice). Does the English version have the same issue? I can't find a way to fix the default download filename.

In my comment, the section that rewrites it is this, which should be able to be altered for other languages:

    var file =
    var fileName = file.getName();
    if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) {
        fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1];

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I can change the name, but when I download it, the default file name is very "ugly". I wonder if I can change the default file name. :(


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I asked Google One and they said this problem does not occur in the English version. As for whether it can be solved, I have to report it to Thank you all.

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mcosstick commented Nov 17, 2023

That is an excellent script. Below is some updated code you can add to a gsheet script. It adds a menu item to execute the script to the gsheet menu bar and provides a popup box so you can enter the folder name that contains the files with "Copy to " that need to be fixed up.

function onOpen() {
var SS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Remove "Copy of" from start of file names in a folder')
.addItem('Start script', 'fileRename')

function fileRename() {
var inputFolder = Browser.inputBox('Enter folder ID', Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
if (inputFolder === "") {
Browser.msgBox('Remove "Copy of" from the start of file names in this folder:');

var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(inputFolder);
var folder =;
var files = folder.getFiles();
var fileCnt=0;
var renamedCnt = 0;

var file =
var fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf('Copy of ') > -1) {
fileName= fileName.split('Copy of ')[1];
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Removed "Copy of" from: '+renamedCnt+" Total Files Processed:"+fileCnt);

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Thank you, it was really useful!

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Thank you, made an account just to comment!

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cleyson-eng commented Feb 7, 2025

nice, i didnt know that these scripts exists, now i write a version that copy from the a shared folder, by uid:

function myFunction() {
  const ORIGIN_FOLDER = '<folder id>'
  const DESTIN_FOLDER = '<folder id>'
  const USE_MAKE_COPY = false;

  let fo = DriveApp.getFolderById(ORIGIN_FOLDER);
  let fd = DriveApp.getFolderById(DESTIN_FOLDER);
  let rec = (fo,fd)=>{
    let files = fo.getFiles();
    while (files.hasNext()) {
      let sub_fo =;
      const sub_fo_name = sub_fo.getName();
      if (!fd.getFilesByName(sub_fo_name).hasNext()) {
        console.log('coping: '+sub_fo_name);
        if (USE_MAKE_COPY) {
          let newf = sub_fo.makeCopy().moveTo(fd);
        } else {
      } else {
        console.log('file already exists: '+sub_fo_name);
    let folders = fo.getFolders();
    while (folders.hasNext()) {
      let sub_fo =;
      const sub_fo_name = sub_fo.getName();
      let sub_fd;
      let fd_it = fd.getFoldersByName(sub_fo_name);
      if (!fd_it.hasNext()) {
        console.log('make dir: '+sub_fo_name)
        sub_fd = fd.createFolder(sub_fo_name);
         rec(sub_fo, sub_fd);
      } else {
        sub_fd =;
        rec(sub_fo, sub_fd);
  rec(fo, fd);

to get folder id open the folder you want and look the url: "https://drive .... folders/<folder-id>"

unfortunaly, makeCopy not work, so i used getBlob, poorly eficient but no hand work needed...

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