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Created August 19, 2014 16:22
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Save edsykes/f8e309a06e21b7d63965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
quantified dev api using curl.
stream=$(curl -x localhost:8888 -X POST
id=$(echo $stream | sed 's_.*"streamid": "\([^"]*\)".*_\1_')
read=$(echo $stream | sed 's_.*"readToken": "\([^"]*\)".*_\1_')
write=$(echo $stream | sed 's_.*"writeToken": "\([^"]*\)".*_\1_')
curl -k -x localhost:8888 -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -H Authorization:$write -H Cache-Control:no-cache -d '{ "dateTime": "2014-03-31T15:28:36.1788806Z", "location": { "lat": 52.5203, "long": 0.8567 }, "actionTags": [ "Build", "Start" ], "objectTags": [ "Computer", "Software" ], "properties": { "Language": "C#", "Environment": "VisualStudio2012" } }'$id/event
echo register this stream at$id\&readToken=$read
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