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Ed Tshuma edtshuma

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imranity / gist:78421229af85ae90177b
Last active February 15, 2021 17:22
So what is the 'credentials-id' parameter and how to use it correctly in jenkins-job-builder yaml file of your job?
It took me a while, after multiple knocks on all openstack/cloudbees/jenkins IRCs and googling around, all of them proved to be fruitless that I finally figure what the deal about this parameter all about?
before posting the exact details, i just have a little rant : WHY IS THIS NOT IN THE DOCS OF JENKINS JOB BUILDER (JJB ) ???
Jenkins job builder docs are pretty concise and dont go into much details,
but anyway:
what is credentials-id parameter?
so you are writing a yaml file for your job 'foo.yaml' and you need to use a git repo, lets say its in github,
now github private repos are snowflaky where you need to provide credentials to github in order to clone them. Following is step-by-step howto: