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Created April 30, 2021 14:44
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YAML parser/writer for InterSystems IRIS. Convert YAML into %DynamicObject and vice versa.
/// YAML parser/writer for InterSystems IRIS.
/// Convert YAML into %DynamicObject and vice versa.
Class User.YAML
/// Entry point.
/// Before running this code the first time, execute: set sc = ##class(User.YAML).Install()
/// do ##class(User.YAML).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
// Load YAML string.
set yamlStr = ##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).IDKEYOpen($classname(), "Sample").Data.Read($$$MaxStringLength)
// Convert it to %DynamicObject (accepts string, stream, filename)
set object = ..ToDynObj(yamlStr)
// Add some properties
set object.hello = "world!"
// Write to disk
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(##class(%SYS.System).TempDirectory())
set file = dir _ "test.yml"
set sc = ..FromDynObj(object, file)
// Add some more properties
set object.hello2 = [ 1, 2, 3]
// Get YAML as string
set sc = ..FromDynObj(object, .string)
// Output do device
write string
/// Install required python modules
/// set sc = ##class(User.YAML).Install()
ClassMethod Install() As %Status
set sc = ##class(%SYS.Python).Install("ruamel.yaml")
quit sc
/// Load YAML file as %DynamicObject
/// file - either a filename or a string or a stream
/// set obj = ##class(User.YAML).ToDynObj()
ClassMethod ToDynObj(file) As %DynamicObject
set builtins = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("builtins")
set json = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("json")
set yaml = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("ruamel.yaml").YAML()
if ##class(%File).Exists(file) {
set f =
set dict = yaml.load(f)
do f.close()
kill f
} else {
if $isObject(file) {
do file.Rewind()
set dict = yaml.load(file.Read($$$MaxStringLength))
} else {
set dict = yaml.load(file)
set jsonStr = json.dumps(dict)
set obj = {}.%FromJSON(jsonStr)
quit obj
/// Convert %DynamicObject into YAML
/// If file is:
/// - string: enterpreted as a filepath
/// - stream: appended to
/// - empty: assumed to be a variable passed by reference, would write YAML string into it
/// set sc = ##class(User.YAML).FromDynObj()
ClassMethod FromDynObj(object, file) As %Status
#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
set builtins = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("builtins")
set json = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("json")
set yaml = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("ruamel.yaml").YAML()
// mapping=None, sequence=4, offset=2
do yaml.indent(##class(%SYS.Python).None(), 4, 2)
set dict = json.loads(object.%ToJSON())
if $d(file) && '$isObject(file) {
set f =, "w")
do yaml.dump(dict, f)
do f.close()
kill f
} else {
set io = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("io").StringIO("", $$$NL)
do yaml.dump(dict, io)
set str = io.getvalue()
do io.close()
if $d(file) && $isObject(file) {
if file.%Extends(##class(%Stream.Object).%ClassName($$$YES)) {
set sc = file.Write(str)
} else {
set sc = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Expected stream. Received: " _ file.%ClassName($$$YES))
} else {
set file = str
quit sc
/// Simple YAML
XData Sample [ MimeType = application/yaml ]
doe: "a deer, a female deer"
ray: "a drop of golden sun"
pi: 3.14159
xmas: true
french-hens: 3
- huey
- dewey
- louie
- fred
calling-birds: four
french-hens: 3
golden-rings: 5
count: 1
location: "a pear tree"
turtle-doves: two
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