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Forked from vangberg/README
Created March 29, 2012 00:31
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Deploying a Sinatra app with database to Heroku
# Deploying a Sinatra app with database to Heroku
# note this is a fork of someone elses work, I just updated it to work with latest stuff
## Database
The location of the database Heroku provides can be found in the environment
variable DATABASE_URL. Check the configure-block of toodeloo.rb for an example
on how to use this.
## Server
Heroku is serving your apps with thin, with means you have all your thin goodness available,
such as EventMachine.
## Rackup file
Heroku can serve all Rack applications. It looks for a rackup file named
'' in the root directory. Thus serving a Sinatra app is simple:
require 'toodeloo'
run Sinatra::Application
## Create app and deploy
The whole process of deploying this small Sinatra app was as follows:
$ git clone git:// toodeloo
$ cd toodeloo
$ heroku create footestapp-2333
$ bundle install
$ git add Gemfile.lock
$ git commit -m "add Gemfile.lock"
$ git push heroku master
That's it. You can see it in action at
require './toodeloo'
run Sinatra::Application
source ''
gem 'rack'
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'dm-core'
gem 'haml'
gem 'dm-postgres-adapter'
gem 'dm-migrations'
gem 'pg'
require 'sinatra'
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-migrations'
# Make sure your DataMapper models are defined *before* the configure
# block, otherwise your DB won't be updated and you're in for trouble and
# what-not.
class Todo
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :text, String
configure do
# Heroku has some valuable information in the environment variables.
# DATABASE_URL is a complete URL for the Postgres database that Heroku
# provides for you, something like: postgres://user:password@host/db, which
# is what DM wants. This is also a convenient check whether we're in production
# / not.
DataMapper.setup(:default, (ENV["HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ORANGE_URL"] || "sqlite3:///#{Dir.pwd}/development.sqlite3"))
get '/' do
@todos = Todo.all
haml :index
post '/' do
Todo.create(:text => params['todo'])
redirect '/'
# Inspect the environment for additional information. This should *not* be
# accessible in a production app.
get '/env' do
content_type 'text/plain'
@@ index
%title Toodeloo
%h1 Toodeloo
- @todos.each do |todo|
%li= todo.text
%form{:action => '/', :method => 'POST'}
%input{:type => 'text', :name => 'todo'}
%input{:type => 'submit', :name => 'Todo!'}
%a{:href => ''} Read more..
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