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Created June 4, 2018 21:24
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Complex Division Benchmark
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace ComplexBenchmark
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<ComplexBenchmark>();
public class ComplexBenchmark
private readonly (double, Complex)[] values;
public ComplexBenchmark()
values = new[]
(15.61234, new Complex(15, 10)),
(0.1234, new Complex(1, 255)),
(0.899, new Complex(642123.6, 1)),
(5, new Complex(29, 33)),
public void Original()
foreach ((double, Complex) value in values)
var a = DivideOriginal(value.Item1, value.Item2);
public void Simplified()
foreach ((double, Complex) value in values)
var a = DivideSimplified(value.Item1, value.Item2);
public static Complex DivideOriginal(double left, Complex right)
// Division : Smith's formula.
double a = left;
double c = right.Real;
double d = right.Imaginary;
if (Math.Abs(d) < Math.Abs(c))
double doc = d / c;
return new Complex(a / (c + d * doc), (-a * doc) / (c + d * doc));
double cod = c / d;
return new Complex(a * cod / (d + c * cod), -a / (d + c * cod));
public static Complex DivideSimplified(double left, Complex right)
// a a c-di ac -ad
// ---- = ---- X ---- = ----- + ---- i
// c+di c+di c-di cc+dd cc+dd
double a = left;
double c = right.Real;
double d = right.Imaginary;
double divisor = (c * c) + (d * d);
return new Complex((a * c) / divisor, -(a * d) / divisor);
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