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Last active February 23, 2022 21:41
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(def eval-context (atom {}))
(defn handle
"Imaginary message handler that sets the namespace received out of band."
(swap! eval-context assoc #'*ns* (find-ns ns)))
(defn repl
(loop []
;; `in` is a LineNumberingPushbackReader wrapping a socket
;; Block until there's something to read, then read maybe one character.
(let [n (.read in)
;; Now that we're no longer blocked, set the ns to the ns we received
;; out of band.
_ (set! *ns* (get @eval-context #'*ns* (the-ns 'user)))
;; Unread however many chars we read earlier
_ (.unread in n)
;; Proceed as usual.
[form s] (read+string ,,, in)
(eval form)
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