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Created June 7, 2016 07:45
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#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lxml import html
import requests
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint
import urllib
import telepot
from datetime import datetime
client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
token = ''
chat_id = '@...'
url = ""
db = client['telepy']
article_obj = db.article
element = ''
def data_gathering():
page = requests.get(url)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
element = tree
articles = tree.find_class('ax_faal')
result = []
for article in articles:
item = {}
item['img'] = article.cssselect('img')[0].values()[-1]
addr = article.cssselect('a')
if addr:
item['url'] = addr[0].values()[1]
item['title'] = article.cssselect('.title_txt1')[0].text
item['data'] =
item['source'] = 'yjc'
return result
def submit_data(bot, row):
if store_db(row):
rawimg = urllib.urlopen(row['img'])
print 'submit img url', row['img']
return bot.sendPhoto(chat_id, ('newsimage.jpg', rawimg), caption='%s - @axekhabar' % row['title'])
def store_db(row):
article = article_obj.find_one({"img": row['img']})
if not article:
id = article_obj.insert_one(row).inserted_id
return True
return False
def submit_alldata(data):
bot = telepot.Bot(token)
me = bot.getMe()
# print me
for row in data:
submit_data(bot, row)
# print row['title']
print 'started',
result = data_gathering()
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