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Created February 1, 2013 23:10
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Solucion para la kata 'rectangulos de texto'.
-define(SIDES, 4).
msg2rect(Message) ->
VChars = length(Message) div ?SIDES,
HChars = VChars + trunc(((length(Message) rem ?SIDES) / 2)),
{Half1, Half2} = lists:split(trunc(length(Message) / 2), Message),
{Top, Rest1} = lists:split(HChars, Half1),
{Bottom, Rest2} = lists:split(HChars, Half2),
io:format("~s~n", [Top]),
msg2rect(lists:append([Rest1, Rest2]), HChars - 2),
io:format("~s~n", [lists:reverse(Bottom)]).
msg2rect([], _) ->
msg2rect([H|T], WSpaces) ->
{Middle, Last} = lists:split(length(T) - 1, T),
io:format("~s~s~s~n", [Last, lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(WSpaces, " ")), lists:flatten([H])]),
msg2rect(Middle, WSpaces).
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