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Created August 29, 2018 14:05
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Execut docker log on all containers at once
names=$(docker ps --format "{{.Names}}")
echo "tailing $names"
while read -r name
# eval to show container name in jobs list
eval "docker logs -f --tail=5 \"$name\" | sed -e \"s/^/[-- $name --] /\" &"
# For Ubuntu 16.04
#eval "docker logs -f --tail=5 \"$name\" |& sed -e \"s/^/[-- $name --] /\" &"
done <<< "$names"
function _exit {
echo "Stopping tails $(jobs -p | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "..."
# Using `sh -c` so that if some have exited, that error will
# not prevent further tails from being killed.
jobs -p | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs -I % sh -c "kill % || true"
echo "Done"
# On ctrl+c, kill all tails started by this script.
trap _exit EXIT
# For Ubuntu 16.04
#trap _exit INT
# Don't exit this script until ctrl+c or all tails exit.
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efrecon commented Aug 29, 2018

This is shamelessly taken from

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