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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save efruchter/8870517 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Programming Warmups
package test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
* A not-very-efficient hashmap with an array as a base.
* @author eric
public class Fruchterhash {
A[] a1 = new A[1];
int size = 0;
public void resize(final int size) {
A[] t = a1;
a1 = new A[size];
this.size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
if (t[i] != null)
public void put(final A a) {
int slot = a.key % a1.length;
while (a1[slot] != null && a1[slot].key != a.key) {
slot = (slot + 1) % a1.length;
if (a1[slot] != null)
a1[slot] = a;
if (size > a1.length * .7) {
resize(a1.length * 2);
public A remove(final int key) {
int flag = key % a1.length;
int slot = flag;
do {
if (a1[slot].key == key) {
A a = a1[slot];
a1[slot] = null;
return a;
} else
slot = (slot + 1) % a1.length;
} while (flag != slot);
return null;
public A get(final int key) {
int flag = key % a1.length;
int slot = flag;
do {
if (a1[slot] != null && a1[slot].key == key)
return a1[slot];
slot = (slot + 1) % a1.length;
} while (flag != slot);
return null;
* The hashable thing.
* @author eric
public class A {
final int key;
final Object o;
public boolean equals(Object a) {
if (a instanceof A)
return key == ((A) a).key && o == ((A) a).o;
return false;
public A(int k, Object o) {
this.key = k;
this.o = o;
public void test() {
A a1 = new A(1, "f");
A a1_1 = new A(1, "7");
A a2 = new A(300, "4");
Fruchterhash h = new Fruchterhash();
assertTrue(h.get(1) == null);
assertTrue(h.size == 1);
assertTrue(h.size == 2);
using System;
using regex;
namespace regex
public class Regex
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var pattern = "ab*ba";
var str = "abfbbbbbbbaba";
Console.WriteLine(parse(pattern, str));
//char (excluding *) and *
//* takes up 0 or more random chars
public static bool parse(string pattern, string str) {
if (pattern.Length > 0 && str.Length == 0)
return false;
if (pattern.Length == 0 && str.Length > 0)
return false;
else if (pattern.Length == 0 && str.Length == 0)
return true;
char pChar = pattern [0];
if (pChar == '*') {
bool result = false;
result = result | parse (pattern.Substring (1), str); //0 chars
result = result | parse (pattern.Substring (1), str.Substring (1)); //1 random
result = result | parse (pattern, str.Substring (1)); //1+ random
return result;
} else if (pChar == str [0]) {
return parse (pattern.Substring (1), str.Substring (1));
//This shouldn't ever happen!
return false;
# Find the optimal weight for a Knapsack and list of items
# K: Integer weight capacity of Knapsack
# I: list of item tuples (weight, value)
# All weights must be integers and greater than 0.
# returns: The optimal value for K, plus an optimal list of items
def knapsack (K, I): # [v]
vMemo, iMemo = [0] * (K + 1), []
for i in range(K+1): iMemo += [[]]
for k in range (1, K + 1):
for item in I:
w, v = item
for subK in range(k - 1, -1, -1):
if subK + w <= k and vMemo[k] < vMemo[subK] + v:
iMemo[k], vMemo[k] = iMemo[subK] + [item], vMemo[subK] + v
return vMemo[K], iMemo[K]
def quicksort(li):
if len(li) <= 1:
return li
left, right = [], []
for i in li[1:]:
if i < li[0]:
left += [i]
right += [i]
return quicksort(left) + [li[0]] + quicksort(right)
def mergesort(li):
if len(li) <= 1:
return li
left = mergesort(li[:len(li) / 2])
right = mergesort(li[len(li) / 2:])
result = []
while left or right:
if left and right:
if left[0] < right[0]:
result += [left[0]]
left = left[1:]
result += [right[0]]
right = right[1:]
elif left and not right:
result += left
left = []
result += right
right = []
return result
using System;
using VectorMath;
using Sorts;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using graph;
namespace test
class MainClass
public static void Man (string[] args)
Node n1 = new Node (1);
Node n2 = new Node (2);
Node n3 = new Node (3);
Node n4 = new Node (4);
n1.DefineEdge (n4, 10);
n2.DefineEdge (n3, 1);
n3.DefineEdge (n4, 7);
n1.DefineEdge (n2, 1);
n3.DefineEdge (n1, 10);
Console.WriteLine (n1);
Console.WriteLine (n2);
Console.WriteLine (n3);
Console.WriteLine (n4);
Console.WriteLine ("\n");
var result = GraphUtils.UCS (n1, n4);
Console.WriteLine (string.Join ("->", result.path));
namespace Sorts {
public class SortUtils <T> where T : IComparable<T> {
public static List<T> QuickSort (List<T> list) {
if (list.Count <= 1)
return list;
T pivot = list [0];
List<T> less = new List<T> ();
List<T> greater = new List<T> ();
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++) {
if (list [i].CompareTo (pivot) <= 0)
less.Add (list [i]);
greater.Add (list [i]);
less = QuickSort (less);
greater = QuickSort (greater);
less.Add (pivot);
less.AddRange (greater);
return less;
public static List<T> MergeSort(List<T> list) {
if (list.Count <= 1)
return list;
var half = list.Count / 2;
var missing = list.Count % 2;
// partition
List<T> left = new List<T>(list.Take (half));
List<T> right = new List<T>(list.Skip (half).Take (half + missing));
left = MergeSort (left);
right = MergeSort (right);
// mix
List<T> result = new List<T> ();
while (left.Count > 0 || right.Count > 0) {
if (left.Count == 0) {
result.AddRange (right);
right.Clear ();
} else if (right.Count == 0) {
result.AddRange (left);
left.Clear ();
} else {
T lVal = left [0], rVal = right [0];
if (lVal.CompareTo (rVal) <= 0) {
result.Add (lVal);
left.RemoveAt (0);
} else {
result.Add (rVal);
right.RemoveAt (0);
return result;
namespace VectorMath
class Vector2
public readonly double x, y;
private double cached_mag = -1;
public Vector2 (double x, double y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static Vector2 operator + (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
return new Vector2 (a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
public static Vector2 operator - (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
return new Vector2 (a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
public static Vector2 operator * (Vector2 a, double b)
return new Vector2 (a.x + b, a.y + b);
public static Vector2 operator * (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
return new Vector2 (a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y);
public double Dot (Vector2 b)
return (this.x * b.x) + (this.y * b.y);
public double Mag ()
if (cached_mag != -1)
return cached_mag;
return cached_mag = Math.Sqrt (this.Dot (this));
public Vector2 Unit()
if (this.x == 0 && this.y == 0)
return new Vector2 (0, 0);
return this * (1D / this.Mag ());
public override string ToString()
return "(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")";
namespace graph
public class NodeComparator : Comparer<Node> {
public override int Compare(Node a, Node b) {
return -1 * a.distanceFromStart.CompareTo (b.distanceFromStart);
public class Node {
public object data;
public double distanceFromStart = double.MaxValue;
public Dictionary<Node, double> edges = new Dictionary<Node, double>();
public Node(object data) { = data;
public void DefineEdge(Node node, double dist) {
this.edges.Add (node, dist);
public override string ToString ()
string r = data.ToString();
r += " [";
foreach (var node in edges.Keys) {
r += + " ";
return r + "]";
public class GraphUtils {
public class SearchResult
public LinkedList<Node> path = new LinkedList<Node>();
public double dist = 0;
public static SearchResult BFS(Node start, Node goal) {
LinkedList<Node> frontierQueue = new LinkedList<Node> ();
frontierQueue.AddFirst (start);
HashSet<Node> exploredSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
HashSet<Node> frontierSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
frontierSet.Add (start);
Dictionary<Node, Node> parents = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();
while (frontierQueue.Count > 0 && !exploredSet.Contains (goal)) {
Node exploring = frontierQueue.First();
frontierSet.Remove (exploring);
exploredSet.Add (exploring);
foreach (var node in exploring.edges.Keys) {
if (!exploredSet.Contains (node) && !frontierSet.Contains (node)) {
frontierQueue.AddLast (node);
frontierSet.Add (node);
parents [node] = exploring;
var result = new SearchResult ();
if (!exploredSet.Contains (goal))
return result;
Node current = goal;
while (true) {
result.path.AddFirst (current);
if (current == start)
result.dist += parents [current].edges [current];
current = parents [current];
return result;
public static SearchResult DFS(Node start, Node goal) {
LinkedList<Node> frontierQueue = new LinkedList<Node> ();
frontierQueue.AddFirst (start);
HashSet<Node> exploredSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
HashSet<Node> frontierSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
frontierSet.Add (start);
Dictionary<Node, Node> parents = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();
Dictionary<Node, double> costFromStart = new Dictionary<Node, double>();
costFromStart.Add (start, 0);
while (frontierQueue.Count > 0 && !exploredSet.Contains (goal)) {
frontierQueue = new LinkedList<Node>(frontierQueue.OrderByDescending (o => (costFromStart [o])).ToList());
Node exploring = frontierQueue.First();
frontierSet.Remove (exploring);
exploredSet.Add (exploring);
foreach (var node in exploring.edges.Keys) {
if (!exploredSet.Contains (node) && !frontierSet.Contains (node)) {
frontierQueue.AddFirst (node);
frontierSet.Add (node);
parents [node] = exploring;
costFromStart [node] = costFromStart [exploring] + exploring.edges [node];
var result = new SearchResult ();
if (!exploredSet.Contains (goal))
return result;
Node current = goal;
while (true) {
result.path.AddFirst (current);
if (current == start)
result.dist += parents [current].edges [current];
current = parents [current];
return result;
public static SearchResult UCS(Node start, Node goal) {
SortedSet<Node> frontierQueue = new SortedSet<Node> (new NodeComparator());
frontierQueue.Add (start);
start.distanceFromStart = 0;
HashSet<Node> exploredSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
Dictionary<Node, Node> parents = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();
while (frontierQueue.Count > 0 && !exploredSet.Contains (goal)) {
Node exploring = frontierQueue.First();
frontierQueue.Remove (exploring);
exploredSet.Add (exploring);
foreach (var node in exploring.edges.Keys) {
if (!exploredSet.Contains (node)) {
frontierQueue.Add (node);
var cost = exploring.distanceFromStart + exploring.edges [node];
if (node.distanceFromStart > cost) {
node.distanceFromStart = cost;
parents [node] = exploring;
var result = new SearchResult ();
if (!exploredSet.Contains (goal))
return result;
Node current = goal;
while (true) {
result.path.AddFirst (current);
if (current == start)
result.dist += parents [current].edges [current];
current = parents [current];
return result;
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