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Created January 17, 2017 04:06
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Feedr AJAX request example
// URLs: let's stash these here and access later
var breitbartUrl = '';
var foxUrl = '';
var nytUrl = ''
// Let's stash our container div as a variable here so we can access it
// wherever we need to below.
var articleContainer = document.getElementById('main');
// Get the Fox News data and do some work in the callback. If we want to show
// Fox results by default before the user has selected anything, then we can
// also use the callback as an opportunity to remove our loading indicator.
$.get(foxUrl, function(response) {
// Once your program has gotten to this point, it means the request has
// fired and you have some data. So if you include a loading div by default
// in your HTML page, this is where you can disable it. Do that before
// you start appending the results below.
// response.items is an array. Let's do something with each element of
// that array in a forEach() loop; "item" is the placeholder variable
// for our current array element.
response.items.forEach(function(item) {
// We want to build a DOM node for each item and then append that
// to our existing page structure. Handlebars makes it easy to do
// things like this but it can also be done manually. Let's start by
// creating variables for the data that we care about:
var title = item.title;
var link =;
var imageUrl = item.thumbnail;
// Next we need to create dom nodes so we can append them to the existing
// document. If you use Handlebars, this is the part of the code you'll
// want to change. The vanilla JS API for this is kind of verbose sadly.
// 1. Create the top-level <article> element
var articleNode = document.createElement("article");
articleNode.setAttribute("class", "article");
// 2. Add the featuredImage section
var featuredImageNode = document.createElement("section");
featuredImageNode.setAttribute("class", "featuredImage");
// 3. Add the actual image element and give it the thumbnail URL
var imageNode = document.createElement("img");
imageNode.setAttribute("src", imageUrl);
// 4. Add the articleContent section
var articleContentNode = document.createElement("section");
articleContentNode.setAttribute("class", "articleContent");
var articleLink = document.createElement("a");
var articleTitle = document.createElement("h3");
var articleText = document.createTextNode(title);
articleLink.setAttribute("href", link);
// 5. Add the impressions block
var articleImpressions = document.createElement("section");
articleImpressions.setAttribute("class", "impressions");
var impressionsCount = document.createTextNode("526");
// 6. Add the clearfix block
var clearFix = document.createElement("div");
clearFix.setAttribute("class", "clearfix");
// Our new articleNode element is just floating off in space at this point;
// we still have to hook it onto something that's actually on the existing
// page. Let's use our articleContainer element from the top of this file.
// Each time the loop iterates, all of this code gets run again for the
// next element in the array.
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This is an example of how to grab data via a $.get request and then populate a series of DOM nodes with the responses. If you use Handlebars you can make the code a lot less verbose: you need to stash a handlebars template somewhere that has the desired structure (all the section elements, etc), and then compile it with your variables. This would save you a lot of the appendChild() lines, which get pretty repetitive for complex markup like what you are dealing with.

As an alternative, in 2017 you can stick a <template> tag right on your page in lieu of using Handlebars:

Additional Functionality

To swap out the content of the articleContainer each time the user clicks a different news source, you'll want to add an event listener on the source links in the nav bar; when clicked, they should call a function that does the following:

  1. Empties out the container via something like articleContainer.innerHTML = ''
  2. Fires a new $.get() request similar to the above but with a different URL, and then iterates over the responses and builds out the content the same way. Keep in mind that if the news is coming from a different API, you might have to change some property names.

Since adding all the DOM manipulation again would get very repetitive, I'd suggest using the <template> tag method described in the link above so you can keep your functions more DRY. Somewhere in your HTML file you can create a tag like this:

<template id"articleTemplate">
  <article class="article">
    <section class="featuredImage">
      <img id="article0-img" src="images/article_placeholder_1.jpg" alt="" />
    <section class="articleContent">
      <a id="article0-a" href="#" ><h3 id="article0">
        test test
    <section class="impressions">
    <div class="clearfix"></div>

Then just swap out the content of these elements with your data from each item in your responses.

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