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Created February 7, 2014 11:44
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Hassan shrieks out: "This is your doing, A.J.! You
poopa my party!"
A.J. looks at him, face remote as limestone: "Uppa
your ass, you liquefying gook."
A horde of lust-mad American women rush in.
Dripping cunts, from farm and dude ranch, factory,
brothel, country club, penthouse and suburb, motel
and yacht and cocktail bar, strip off riding clothes, ski
togs, evening dresses, levis, tea gowns, print dresses,
slacks, bathing suits and kimonos. They scream and
yipe and howl, leap on the guests like bitch dogs in
heat with rabies. They claw at the hanged boys shriek-
ing: "You fairy! You bastard! Fuck me! Fuck me!
Fuck me!" The guests flee screaming, dodge among
the hanged boys, overturn iron lungs.
A.J.: "Call out my Sweitzers, God damn it! Guard
me from these she-foxest"
Mr. Hyslop, A. J.'s secretary, looks up from his comic
book: "The Sweitzers liquefy already."
(Liquefaction involves protein cleavage and reduc-
tion to liquid which is absorbed into someone else's
protoplasmic being. Hassan, a notorious liquefactionist,
is probably the beneficiary in this case.)
A.J.: "Gold-bricking cocksuckers! Where's a man
without his Sweitzers? Our backs are to the wall, gen-
tlemen. Our very cocks at stake. Stand by to resist
boarders, Mr. Hyslop, and issue short arms to the men."
A.J. whips out a cutlass and begins decapitating the
American Girls. He sings lustily:
Fifteen men on the dead man's cheat
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum.
Drink and the devil had done for the rest
Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum.
Mr. Hyslop, bored and resigned: "Oh Gawd! He's at
it again." He waves the Jolly Roger listlessly.
A.J., surrounded and fighting against overwhelming
odds, throws back his head and makes with the hog-
call. Immediately a thousand rutting Eskimos pour in
grunting and squealing, faces tumescent, eyes hot and
red, lips purple, fall on the American women.
(Eskimos have a rutting season when the tribes
meet in short Summer to disport themselves in orgies.
Their faces swell and lips turn purple. )
A House Dick with cigar two feet long sticks his
head in through the wall: "Have you got a menagerie
in here?"
Hassan wrings his hands: "A shambles! A filthy
shambles! By Allah I never see anything so downright
He whirls on A.J. who is sitting on a sea chest, parrot
on shoulder, patch over one eye, drinking rum from
a tankard. He scans the horizon with a huge brass
Hassan: "You cheap Factualist bitch! Go and never
darken my rumpus room again!"
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