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A guide about saving/restoring your favorite lenses in Snap Camera (for Windows)

Backup/Restore Your Favorite Lenses in Snap Camera (Windows)


  • First go to: C:\Users\INSERT-YOUR-USERNAME-HERE\AppData\Local\Snap\Snap Camera\ and open settings.json with your favorite choice of text editor (like Notepad, WordPad, Notepad++, Sublime Text etc.)

  • Search for "favorites": [ line (you can use Find/Replace feature of your text editor. Usually you can invoke with ctrl-F shortcut.) and copy every line till the closing bracket. Your clipboard (I meant the selected text you just copied) should exactly look like this (ignore the ellipsises since this group might be long depending on how many lenses you have tagged as favorite.):

        "favorites": [

  • Create a new text or .json file, paste the clipboard and save it somewhere safe.


  1. Make sure that Snap Camera isn't running first. Otherwise, check your system tray in the taskbar and look for Snap Camera. If the icon is present, right click it then "Quit".
  2. Go to C:\Users\INSERT-YOUR-USERNAME-HERE\AppData\Local\Snap\Snap Camera\ in File Explorer then open settings.json with your text editor.
  3. Look for "favorites": [ line in settings.json (Try ctrl-F in your text editor to find exact line)

  1. If you want to add favorite lenses from your backup to existing favorite list, keep following steps or skip to step 8.
  2. Open your favorite json backup file in another window (or tab). (If you haven't any, follow the beginning of this guide.) Select and copy every line between "favorites": [ and ],
  3. Return to the settings.json file and go to the line before ], then add a comma.
        "favorites": [

            "38091580877", <--
  1. Hit "Enter" then paste the lines. Finally you can save the settings.json and proceed to step 10.

  1. If you want to overwrite over existing favorite list, delete selected lines, including "favorites": [ and ],. (If you're hesitant about it, create a copy of settings.json and rename it something different to make a quick backup in case something goes wrong.)
  2. Copy everything inside favorites json file and paste it to settings.json.

  1. Now you can open Snap Camera safely. Check "Favorites".
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