Credit to answer found here
This will ask you for the passphrase, enter it and it won't ask again.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa &>/dev/null
Credit to answer found here
This will ask you for the passphrase, enter it and it won't ask again.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa &>/dev/null
I just love you. thank you so much
This does not work on windows.
Yes, because it's made for UNIX-like systems
In Windows 10 I am using a bash shell terminal in VScode. I just typed : " ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa "
Notice: in windows we don't use the -K parameter "ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa" which causes the problem.
Allthough if you created your ssh-key with a passphrase, you will be asked for it.
Thank You!
Thank you!
I got an error "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent" I had to issue "eval 'ssh-agent -s'" first.
Thank you!
finally! thank u
Yes, because it's made for UNIX-like systems