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Working from home

Egor egorlitvinenko

Working from home
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egorlitvinenko /
Last active June 7, 2017 22:31 — forked from paucoma/
Script to read Google Calendar Events and Count total Hours
1. Go to your google Drive and start a new Empty SpreadSheet.
2. Go to the Menu: Tools --> Script Editor --> Blank Document.
3. Copy+paste the code into the new and Save the File
4. Go to the Menu: Resources --> Advanced Google Services
5. Scroll till you find the **Calendar API** and turn it **ON**
6. Click On the Link to the **Google Developers Console.** *a new tab will open.*
7. In the SearchBox type Calendar and click on Calendar API and enable it.
8. Once enabled return to the window with the code and click OK to return.