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Created March 23, 2017 19:06
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Basic Clojure implementation of the Blob problem for solving mazes
(ns blob)
(defn abnormal? [color]
(= color :abnormal))
(defn color [grid x y]
(get-in grid [x y]))
(defn recolor [grid x y color]
(assoc-in grid [x y] color))
(defn column-count [grid]
(count (first grid)))
(defn row-count [grid]
(count grid))
(defn neighbors [grid x y]
[[x (dec y)] [x (inc y)]
[(dec x) y] [(inc x) y]])
(defn collect-cells [grid x y visited]
(if-not (abnormal? (color grid x y))
(if (contains? visited [x y])
(reduce (fn [vis [i j]]
(collect-cells grid i j vis))
(conj visited [x y])
(neighbors grid x y)))))
(defn count-cells [grid x y]
(count (collect-cells grid x y #{})))
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