This document is a listing of the functions/macros in Scheme which will be useful in CS 135.
- and
- append
- apply
- car
- cadr
- cdr
- cdar
- cond
- cons
- define
- display
- equal?
- if
- lambda
- length
- list
- map
- max
- min
- or
- not
- reverse
- Comparsion Functions (=, >, <, >=, <=)
takes a variable number of arguments and returns whether all of them are true.
; True and True and True is True
> (and #t #t #t)
; True and False is False
> (and (= 0 0) (> 7 100))
Note: and
expands into a series of if
branches when the compiler reads the code.
It cannot be used as a function with functions like map, filter and reduce.
Takes two or more lists and returns the result of concatenating those lists together.
> (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6)
> ; Append multiple lists together
> (append '(a b) '(c) '(d e f g) '(h i))
'(a b c d e f g h i)
is a macro which provides similar/identical functionality to switch/case in
C-style languages.
> (define (message-for-grade grade)
(case grade
('(A) "Excellent!")
('(B) "Not bad! Keep up the good work.")
('(C) "There's always a curve.")
('(D) "Did you study?")
('(F) "Maybe this just isn't your thing")))
> (message-for-grade 'B)
"Not bad! Keep up the good work."
is a nice macro that helps abstract away heavily nested if
expressions. It's used like
how Python's elif
keyword is used to avoid nested if statements.
;; Compare two numbers `x` and `y`, returns:
;; 0 if they are equal
;; 1 if `x` is greater than `y`
;; -1 if `x` is less than `y`
> (define (compare x y)
((> x y) 1)
((< x y) -1)
(else 0)))
;; 5 > 3, so 1
> (compare 5 3)
(cons element list)
Add an element to the beginning of a list.
> (cons 1 '(2 3))
'(1 2 3)
(define name value)
(define (fn-name args ...)
... function body ...)
is the way to set variables and to define functions.
; Define a variable "a" with the value 10
> (define a 10)
> a
; Define a function that returns twice the length of the list "numbers"
> (define (double-len numbers)
(* 2 (length numbers)))
> (double-length '(a b c d))
(display string)
is the equivalent of print
in Python or System.out.println
Java except it does not print the new line by default (you need to add \n
the end of the string literal for the new line).
;; The "\n" is for the newline
> (display "Hello, World!\n")
Hello, World!
(equal? x y)
returns whether or not two values are equal or not. It is generally better to use
than =
because =
can only check numeric values, and equal?
uses more advanced
definitions of equality.
> (equal? 2 2)
> (equal? '(2 3) '(5 6))
> (= '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
> (equal? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(if condition then else)
Equivalent of an if statement. If the condition is true, evaluates to the then
branch, otherwise evaluates to the else
> (if (= 2 (/ 4 2))
(display "They're equal\n")
(display "They're not equal\n"))
They're equal
; You can nest if expressions
> (define (compare x y)
(if (> x y)
(if (< x y)
;; 10 > 2 ==> 1
> (compare 10 2)
(lambda (args ...) ... function body ...)
creates in-line functions. It is especially useful when used with
functions like map, filter, and reduce
> ; Here we pass a function that adds 2 to a number
> (define (add-2-to-each lst)
(map (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) lst))
> (add-2-to-each '(1 20 13 401 5 108 71))
'(3 22 15 403 7 110 73)
(list v ...)
takes multiple values and returns a linked list containing those
> (list 1 'a 2.3 3 4.5e+3)
'(1 a 2.3 3 4.5e+3)
(map proc list)
takes a function and a list and returns a new list of the function
applied to
> ; (abs x) - the absolute value of x
> (map abs '(-1 2 -3 4 5 -6))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6)
takes zero or more arguments and returns if any of them are true.
; False or True is True
> (or (equal? '(1 2) 'a) (> 34 5))
; No arguments means none of them are true.
> (or)
Note: or
expands into a series of if
branches when the compiler reads the code.
It cannot be used as a function with functions like map, filter and reduce.
Note: Regular comparison functions only work on numbers (integers and floats).
Symbol | Sample Usage |
= | (= 1 1) |
> | (> 100 3) |
>= | (>= 10 2) |
< | (< 5 7) |
<= | (<= 4.5 6.7) |
See equal?
(filter pred lst)
is a powerful function for processing data. It takes a list and returns
a new list only containing
(reduce f init lst)
is a core function in functional programming. It is useful for aggregation functions
(functions that compute based on a collection of values rather than a single value), such as
, product
, and the union of sets.
; For each element in the list, ignore the value and increment the length by 1
> (define (length lst)
(reduce (lambda (len _) (+ len 1)) 0 lst))
> ; The sum of '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) is the same as
> ; (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ (+ 0 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
> (define (sum numbers)
(reduce + 0 numbers))
(cross-product s t)
takes two sets A and B and returns {(a, b) | a in A, b in B}
(element? item list)
Takes an item and a list and returns whether or not the element is present in the list
> (element? 5 '(1 2 3 4 5))
> (element? 'lieb '(buildings we still have))
(intersection s t)
Given two sets, returns the set of elements which are in BOTH sets.
> (intersection '(1 2 3) '(4 3 2))
'(2 3)
> (intersection '(r i p) '(l i e b))
> (intersection '() '())
(make-set list)
Takes a list and removes all duplicate elements.
> (make-set '(0 0 0))
> (make-set '(1 2 3 2 4 5))
'(1 2 3 4 5)
Note: There are multiple ways to implement make-set
and some of them don't preserve the
order of the set (which when working with sets is not necessary)
(set-equal? s t)
Determines whether two sets are equivalent (i.e. A = B => every element in A is in B and every element in B is in A)
> (set-equal? '() '())
> (set-equal? '(a b c) '(a b c))
> (set-equal? '(1 2 3 4) '(4 3 1 2))
> (set-equal? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 4))
(subset? s t)
Returns true if s
is a subset of t
. I.e., if every element of s
is in t
> (subset? '() '())
> (subset? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3 4 5))
> (subset? '(115 284 385) '(115 146 284 135 385 392))
> (subset? '(-2 0 2) '(-1 1 3))
> (subset? '(-1 1 2) '(-1 1 3 5 7))
(union s t)
Given two sets, return a list representing the set which contains all of the elements from each set EXACTLY once.
> (union '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6)
> (union '(1 2 3) '(1 2))
'(1 2)
> (union '(1 1 1) ())
A predicate is a function/procedure/method that returns a boolean (true/false) value based on its inputs. Here is a list of common predicates built into the Racket module eopl that we use as the language for all of our labs.
Predicate | Description |
(boolean? x) |
x is a boolean (#t or #f ) |
(even? x) |
x is an even number |
(integer? x) |
x is an integer (whole number) |
(list? x) |
x is a list |
(negative? x) |
x is negative (x < 0 ) |
(null? x) |
x == null OR x == '() |
(number? x) |
x is a number |
(odd? x) |
x is an odd number |
(positive? x) |
x is positive (x > 0 ) |
(string? x) |
x is a string |
(symbol? x) |
x is a symbol |
(zero? x) |
x == 0 |
For more information on any of the commands built-in to EOPL, see