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Edward Minnix III egregius313

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egregius313 /
Last active February 27, 2017 15:29
Simple context manager for timing Python code
#!/usr/bin/env python
from contextlib import contextmanager
import time
def timethis(timer=time.perf_counter):
Small timing function. It is meant to be used as a
context manager, and it returns a lambda that when
egregius313 /
Created March 5, 2017 05:15
A simple class decorator to define the __repr__ method based on the signature of the __init__ method.
A simple class decorator to define the __repr__ method
based on the signature of the __init__ method.
__author__ = 'egregius313'
_repr_template = """
def __repr__(self):
'Return repr(self)'
egregius313 / cross-product.clj
Last active March 9, 2017 15:46
Basic implementation of cross product using reduce.
(defn product [a & bs]
"The cross product of sets."
(fn [xss ys]
(mapcat (fn [xs] (map (partial conj xs) ys)) xss))
(map vector a)
egregius313 / blob.clj
Created March 23, 2017 19:06
Basic Clojure implementation of the Blob problem for solving mazes
(ns blob)
(defn abnormal? [color]
(= color :abnormal))
(defn color [grid x y]
(get-in grid [x y]))
egregius313 /
Last active August 25, 2017 23:33
Basic implementation of the "Maybe a" types from Haskell in Python
Basic implementation of Haskell's Data.Maybe module.
The changes in the API are as follows:
- `maybe` is replaced with the `Maybe` class constructor
- `isJust` and `isNothing` are replaced with the builtin `isinstance`
- `listToMaybe` is replaced with the class method `Maybe.from_iterable`
- `maybeToList` is replaced with an implementation of `__iter__`,
so calls to `list()` will work
egregius313 /
Created August 25, 2017 01:15
Adaptation of the "Conway's Really Simple Game" code from Jack Diederich's talk "Stop Writing Classes".
Adaptation of the "Conway's Really Simple Game" code
from Jack Diederich's talk "Stop Writing Classes".
Meant to help make some of the logic more explicit.
from itertools import chain
egregius313 /
Created December 23, 2017 18:31
Allow tuple unpacking on classes defined with @attr.s
# Allow tuple unpacking on classes defined with
# @attr.s decorator. Uses the attribute information
# from the definition of the class using attrs
# See also:
import hashlib
import linecache
egregius313 /
Created January 17, 2018 17:09
Bootstrap an OCaml Installation on a Debian or OSX system
PKG_MGR=$(which apt-get brew apt | head -n1)
sudo $PKG_MGR update
sudo $PKG_MGR install -y opam
opam update
opam install core
if [[ $PKG_MGR =~ apt ]]
egregius313 /
Created February 8, 2018 19:38
Script for bootstrapping gcc and g++ (4.9) on Mac OSX
which brew || /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install [email protected]
echo "alias gcc='gcc-4.9'" >> .bash_profile
echo "alias g++='g++-4.9'" >> .bash_profile
egregius313 /
Created February 16, 2018 17:29
check_cflags - guarantees that -Wall -Werror --pedantic flags are set in $CFLAGS
#!/usr/bin/env python
check_cflags - guarantees that -Wall -Werror --pedantic flags are set in $CFLAGS
Exits with 0 if proper CFLAGS is used, otherwise returns with 1