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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
typedef struct {
void* apply_func; // pointer to function apply this closure w/ correct number of args and free-vars
void* func; // pointer to lifted function that implements this closure
int num_freevars; // number of bound variables (for GC use)
char* str; // string representation of this function
void* forwarded; // forward pointer (for GC use)
void* args[]; // bound variables
} clos;
// all bound closures are casted to void pointers in this struct,
// last version casted everything to struct clos* and it became a gigantic mess
// halt function
void halt_func(clos* halt, clos* val) {
printf("%s\n", val->str);
// halt continuation
clos halt_impl = {&halt_func, // just use the apply function
"halt func",
NULL}; // no bound args
static clos* halt = &halt_impl;
/* function pointer typedefs */
typedef void (*fp_typedef2032)(clos*, clos*);
typedef void (*fp_typedef2028)(clos*, clos*, clos*, clos*);
typedef void (*fp_typedef2025)(clos*, clos*, clos*);
/* apply function definitions */
// apply_funcs do not allocate any important stack variables,
// so we can use a return and save some memory
// there is one apply function for each used combination of (num-args, num-free-vars)
// note functions only take one argument in vanilla lambda calculus
void apply_func22052(clos* cls, clos* arg2051) {
return ((fp_typedef2032)(cls->func))(arg2051,((clos*)(cls->args[0])));
void apply_func22038(clos* cls, clos* arg2036,clos* arg2037) {
return ((fp_typedef2032)(cls->func))(arg2036,arg2037);
void apply_func32035(clos* cls, clos* arg2033,clos* arg2034) {
return ((fp_typedef2025)(cls->func))(arg2033,arg2034,((clos*)(cls->args[0])));
void apply_func42031(clos* cls, clos* arg2029,clos* arg2030) {
return ((fp_typedef2028)(cls->func))(arg2029,arg2030,((clos*)(cls->args[0])),((clos*)(cls->args[1])));
void apply_func32027(clos* cls, clos* arg2026) {
return ((fp_typedef2025)(cls->func))(arg2026,((clos*)(cls->args[0])),((clos*)(cls->args[1])));
/* forward declarations */
void func2049(clos*, clos*);
void func2047(clos*, clos*);
void func2045(clos*, clos*);
void func2043(clos*, clos*);
void func2041(clos*, clos*, clos*);
void func2039(clos*, clos*);
void func2023(clos*, clos*, clos*);
void func2021(clos*, clos*, clos*, clos*);
void func2019(clos*, clos*, clos*);
void func2017(clos*, clos*);
/* lifted function definitions */
// allocate all values (just closures) on the stack
// never return from a lifted lambda function
// so all stack pointers remain valid (until overflow, of course)
void func2043(clos* rv2009, clos* halt) {
clos* clos2046 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*0)+(sizeof(char)*16));
clos2046->num_args = 0;
clos2046->func = &func2045;
clos2046->apply_func = &apply_func22038;
clos2046->str = "(LAMBDA (B3) B3)";
clos* clos2048 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*1)+(sizeof(char)*0));
clos2048->num_args = 1;
clos2048->func = &func2047;
clos2048->apply_func = &apply_func22052;
clos2048->str = NULL;
clos2048->args[0] = (void*)halt;
void func2047(clos* rv2007, clos* halt) {
clos* clos2050 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*0)+(sizeof(char)*16));
clos2050->num_args = 0;
clos2050->func = &func2049;
clos2050->apply_func = &apply_func22038;
clos2050->str = "(LAMBDA (C2) C2)";
void func2049(clos* C2, clos* k2008) {
void func2045(clos* B3, clos* k2010) {
void func2039(clos* B2, clos* k2015) {
clos* clos2042 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*1)+(sizeof(char)*16));
clos2042->num_args = 1;
clos2042->func = &func2041;
clos2042->apply_func = &apply_func32035;
clos2042->str = "(LAMBDA (C3) B2)";
clos2042->args[0] = (void*)B2;
void func2041(clos* C3, clos* k2016, clos* B2) {
void func2017(clos* A, clos* k2011) {
clos* clos2020 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*1)+(sizeof(char)*35));
clos2020->num_args = 1;
clos2020->func = &func2019;
clos2020->apply_func = &apply_func32035;
clos2020->str = "(LAMBDA (B) (LAMBDA (C) ((A B) C)))";
clos2020->args[0] = (void*)A;
void func2019(clos* B, clos* k2012, clos* A) {
clos* clos2022 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*2)+(sizeof(char)*22));
clos2022->num_args = 2;
clos2022->func = &func2021;
clos2022->apply_func = &apply_func42031;
clos2022->str = "(LAMBDA (C) ((A B) C))";
clos2022->args[0] = (void*)A;
clos2022->args[1] = (void*)B;
void func2021(clos* C, clos* k2013, clos* A, clos* B) {
clos* clos2024 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*2)+(sizeof(char)*0));
clos2024->num_args = 2;
clos2024->func = &func2023;
clos2024->apply_func = &apply_func32027;
clos2024->str = NULL;
clos2024->args[0] = (void*)k2013;
clos2024->args[1] = (void*)C;
void func2023(clos* rv2014, clos* k2013, clos* C) {
int main() {
clos* clos2040 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*0)+(sizeof(char)*30));
clos2040->num_args = 0;
clos2040->func = &func2039;
clos2040->apply_func = &apply_func22038;
clos2040->str = "(LAMBDA (B2) (LAMBDA (C3) B2))";
clos* clos2044 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*1)+(sizeof(char)*0));
clos2044->num_args = 1;
clos2044->func = &func2043;
clos2044->apply_func = &apply_func22052;
clos2044->str = NULL;
clos2044->args[0] = (void*)halt;
clos* clos2018 = alloca(sizeof(clos)+(sizeof(clos*)*0)+(sizeof(char)*48));
clos2018->num_args = 0;
clos2018->func = &func2017;
clos2018->apply_func = &apply_func22038;
clos2018->str = "(LAMBDA (A) (LAMBDA (B) (LAMBDA (C) ((A B) C))))";
return 0;
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