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Created March 31, 2021 18:27
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calendar functions
func isLeap(y int) bool {
if y%4 == 0 {
if y%100 == 0 {
return y%400 == 0
return true
return false
func daysInMonth(m, y int) int {
if m == 1 {
if isLeap(y) {
return 29
return 28
if m == 0 || m == 2 || m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 7 || m == 9 || m == 11 {
return 31
return 30
evaluate single years until we find a leap year
then evaluate in chunks of 4 years as a time in a simple, optimized loop with no branches
we don't need branches because there are only 14 year types, based only on the start day of the year and whether it's a leap year
furthermore, we know there is only one leap year per four years
straggler years are handled at the end */
func CountSundaysPipelinedPrecalced() int {
// there are only 14 year configurations
// number of months that start with sunday for each year configuration
// year configuration = starting day of year + whether it's a leap year or not
var sundaysPerCommonYear [7]int = [...]int{2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1}
var sundaysPerLeapYear [7]int = [...]int{3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1}
//var modSevenTable [12]int = [...]int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,2,3,4}
var modSevenTable [18]int = [...]int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,2,3}
var dayOfWeek int = 2
var year int = 1901
var sundaysCount int = 0
// count non leap years until a leap year
// once we find it, break out of this loop and move onto the branchless, optimized loop
for ; year <= 2000; year++ {
if isLeap(year) {
} else {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeek]
dayOfWeek = modSevenTable[dayOfWeek+1]
// calculate days of the week for all four years we process
dayOfWeekYear0 := dayOfWeek
dayOfWeekYear1 := modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear0+2]
dayOfWeekYear2 := modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear0+3]
dayOfWeekYear3 := modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear0+4]
var iterations = (2000 - year)>>3
// calculate 4 years at a time with no branches
// each iteration, also calculate the next days of weeks for each 4 years we're processing
// since we have all four values at the ready, and a table to skip four years, there is no dependency between these lookups
// and they can all be done in parallel by the cpu
// update: unrolled it one more time to handle 8 years at once,
// this improved the function from 55ns to 44ns
// testing against >=0 seems a little faster than >0
for i := iterations-1 ; i >= 0; i-- {
leapCount := sundaysPerLeapYear[dayOfWeekYear0]
dayOfWeekYear0 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear0+5]
nonLeapCount1 := sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear1]
dayOfWeekYear1 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear1+5]
nonLeapCount2 := sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear2]
dayOfWeekYear2 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear2+5]
nonLeapCount3 := sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear3]
dayOfWeekYear3 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear3+5]
sundaysCount += (leapCount + nonLeapCount1 + nonLeapCount2 + nonLeapCount3)
// calculate the next 8 years
leapCount = sundaysPerLeapYear[dayOfWeekYear0]
dayOfWeekYear0 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear0+5]
nonLeapCount1 = sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear1]
dayOfWeekYear1 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear1+5]
nonLeapCount2 = sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear2]
dayOfWeekYear2 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear2+5]
nonLeapCount3 = sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeekYear3]
dayOfWeekYear3 = modSevenTable[dayOfWeekYear3+5]
sundaysCount += (leapCount + nonLeapCount1 + nonLeapCount2 + nonLeapCount3)
year += 8
// exact same as the first loop
// handle any remaining years
dayOfWeek = dayOfWeekYear0
for ; year <= 2000; year++ {
if isLeap(year) {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerLeapYear[dayOfWeek]
dayOfWeek = modSevenTable[dayOfWeek+2]
} else {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerCommonYear[dayOfWeek]
dayOfWeek = modSevenTable[dayOfWeek+1]
return sundaysCount
func evaluateYear(curDayOfWeek int, curSundaysCount int, startMonth int, endMonth int, y int) (int, int) {
//leap := isLeap(y)
for m := startMonth ; m <= endMonth ; m++ {
if curDayOfWeek % 7 == 0 {
curDayOfWeek = (curDayOfWeek + daysInMonth(m, y)) % 7
return curSundaysCount, curDayOfWeek
/* doesn't quite work, something is probably off by one somewhere */
/* strategy:
evaluate single years until we find a year divisible by 400,
then evaluate in chunks of 400 years
sunday counts for each 7 possible 400 year chunks are calculated at the beginning.
handle straggler years at the end
could be optimized further like the above solution, probably
func CountSundaysGeneral400YearOpt(
startYear int, startMonth int, startDay int, startDayOfWeek int,
endYear int, endMonth int, endDay int) int {
curDayOfWeek := startDayOfWeek
var modSevenTable [12]int = [...]int{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,0,1,2,3,4}
// calculate lookup tables for individual years
// just 14 of these
sundaysPerCommonYear, sundaysPerLeapYear := generateSingleYearTables()
// there are only 7 types of 400 year chunks that start on a year divisible by 400
// since they always start on a leap year
// calculate lookup tables for each possible 400 year chunk
var fourHundredYearCounts [7]int = [...]int{0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
var fourHundredYearNextDays [7]int = [...]int{0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
for i := 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ {
cnt := 0
baseDayOfWeek := i
for y := 0 ; y < 400 ; y++ {
if isLeap(y) {
cnt += sundaysPerLeapYear[baseDayOfWeek]
baseDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[baseDayOfWeek+2]
} else {
cnt += sundaysPerCommonYear[baseDayOfWeek]
baseDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[baseDayOfWeek+1]
fourHundredYearCounts[i] = cnt
fourHundredYearNextDays[i] = baseDayOfWeek
// if the start year+month, and end year+month are the same
if startYear == endYear && startMonth == endMonth {
// handle this one weird edge case
if startDay == 0 && startDayOfWeek == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return 0
// skip days until we reach the beginning of the month
if startDay != 0 {
daysInStartMonth := daysInMonth(startMonth, startYear)
// days left in the month
daysLeftInMonth := daysInStartMonth - startDay
// skip N days, and get the day of the week for the next month
curDayOfWeek = (curDayOfWeek + daysLeftInMonth) % 7
sundaysCount := 0
// if it's less than a year
// just run through months for this one year
if startYear == endYear {
sundaysCount, _ = evaluateYear(curDayOfWeek, sundaysCount, startMonth, endMonth, startYear)
return sundaysCount
// run through remainder of first year
sundaysCount, curDayOfWeek = evaluateYear(curDayOfWeek, sundaysCount, startMonth, 11, startYear)
var yearsToEvaluate int = endYear-(startYear+1)
if yearsToEvaluate > 800 {
//if false {
// evaluate single years until we find a divisible by 400 leap year
chunkStartYear := startYear+1
for ; chunkStartYear % 400 != 0; chunkStartYear++ {
if chunkStartYear % 4 == 0 {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerLeapYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+2]
} else {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerCommonYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+1]
// now we've found a 400 year chunk
// evaluate as many of these chunks as possible
var chunksToEvaluate int = yearsToEvaluate/400
for i := 0 ; i < chunksToEvaluate ; i++ {
sundaysCount += fourHundredYearCounts[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = fourHundredYearNextDays[curDayOfWeek]
yearsSkipped := (chunksToEvaluate * 400)
// evaluate single years until the last year
for y := chunkStartYear + yearsSkipped; y < endYear; y++ {
if isLeap(y) {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerLeapYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+2]
} else {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerCommonYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+1]
} else {
// evaluate single years until the last year
for y := startYear+1; y < endYear; y++ {
if isLeap(y) {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerLeapYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+2]
} else {
sundaysCount += sundaysPerCommonYear[curDayOfWeek]
curDayOfWeek = modSevenTable[curDayOfWeek+1]
// run through months for the last year
sundaysCount, _ = evaluateYear(curDayOfWeek, sundaysCount, 0, endMonth, endYear)
return sundaysCount
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