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Created May 26, 2017 17:48
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lambda calculus in 255 lines of C
// interpret lambda calculus in a few lines (^:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "setjmp.h"
typedef enum {
} type;
// initial ast
struct env {
char* sym_name;
struct expr* sym_val;
struct env* next;
struct lambda {
char* arg;
struct env* environ;
struct expr* body;
struct appl {
struct expr* operator;
struct expr* operand;
struct expr {
type typ;
union {
char* sym;
struct appl* app;
struct lambda* lam;
void print_expr(struct expr* exp) {
switch(exp->typ) {
case SYMBOL:
printf("%s", exp->sym);
case LAMBDA:
printf("\\%s ", exp->lam->arg);
printf("("); print_expr(exp->app->operator);
printf(" ");
// lexing/parsing utility functions
char peekchar() {
char c = getchar();
ungetc(c, stdin);
return c;
void skip_whitespace() {
char c = getchar();
if(isspace(c)) {
while(isspace(c)) {
c = getchar();
ungetc(c, stdin);
} else {
ungetc(c, stdin);
// hack for error handling
// if we ever encounter an error in parsing or evaluation
// longjmp to this buffer
jmp_buf error;
// syntax
// lambda: '\' symbol expr
// application: '(' expr expr ')'
// symbol: a-z[^\s\(\)\\]*
struct expr* parse_expression();
char reserved_chars[] = "(\\).";
struct expr* parse_symbol() {
char c = getchar();
if(isalpha(c)) {
int buf_size = 32;
char *buf = malloc(sizeof(char)*buf_size);
int idx = 0;
buf[idx++] = c;
c = getchar();
while(!isspace(c) && (strchr(reserved_chars, c) == NULL)) {
// always leave one spot for null terminator
if(idx >= (buf_size-1)) {
buf_size *= 1.5;
buf = realloc(buf, sizeof(char)*buf_size);
buf[idx++] = c;
c = getchar();
ungetc(c, stdin);
buf[idx++] = '\0';
struct expr* res = malloc(sizeof(struct expr));
res->typ = SYMBOL;
res->sym = buf;
return res;
} else {
printf("Unexpected character '%c'\n", c);
longjmp(error, 1);
struct expr* parse_lambda() {
// consume '\'
struct expr* sym_expr = parse_symbol();
// parse symbol
struct expr* lam_expr = malloc(sizeof(struct expr));
lam_expr->lam = malloc(sizeof(struct lambda));
lam_expr->typ = LAMBDA;
lam_expr->lam->arg = sym_expr->sym;
// parse body of lambda
struct expr* body = parse_expression();
lam_expr->lam->body = body;
return lam_expr;
struct expr* parse_application() {
// consume '('
struct expr* operator = parse_expression();
struct expr* operand = parse_expression();
char c = getchar();
if(c != ')') {
printf("Expected ')' to end application expression, but got '%c'!\n", c);
longjmp(error, 1);
struct expr* res = malloc(sizeof(struct expr));
res->typ = APPLICATION;
res->app = malloc(sizeof(struct appl));
res->app->operator = operator;
res->app->operand = operand;
return res;
struct expr* parse_expression() {
char c = peekchar();
switch(c) {
case '\\':
return parse_lambda();
case '(':
return parse_application();
return parse_symbol();
// evaluation
struct expr* eval_expression(struct expr* exp, struct env* environment);
struct expr* eval_symbol_lookup(struct expr* exp, struct env* environment) {
char* sym = exp->sym;
struct env* cur_env = environment;
while(cur_env) {
if(strcmp(cur_env->sym_name, sym) == 0) {
return cur_env->sym_val;
cur_env = cur_env->next;
printf("Tried to reference symbol '%s' that is not bound!\n", sym);
longjmp(error, 1);
struct expr* eval_application(struct expr* exp, struct env* environment) {
// extract operator and operand, and evaluate them body
struct expr* operator = eval_expression(exp->app->operator, environment);
struct expr* operand = eval_expression(exp->app->operand, environment);
struct env* operator_env = operator->lam->environ;
// bind argument to arg name in freshly allocated environment frame
// and link environment frame to parent in the lambda, not the
// environment passed to this function
// (this gives us lexical scoping vs dynamic scoping)
struct env* ext_env = malloc(sizeof(struct env));
ext_env->next = operator_env;
ext_env->sym_name = operator->lam->arg;
ext_env->sym_val = operand;
return eval_expression(operator->lam->body, ext_env);
struct expr* eval_expression(struct expr* exp, struct env* environment) {
switch(exp->typ) {
case SYMBOL:
// lookup in environment
return eval_symbol_lookup(exp, environment);
// apply operator to operand
return eval_application(exp, environment);
case LAMBDA:
// bind lambda to environment
exp->lam->environ = environment;
return exp;
int main() {
while(1) {
// jump back to this point if we have an error
if(setjmp(error) == 1) {
while(getchar() != '\n'); // skip past unread input
printf("Enter expression> ");
struct expr* exp = parse_expression();
struct expr* res = eval_expression(exp, NULL);
printf("Result> ");
return 0;
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