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Created October 24, 2018 21:53
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int columns[8] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
int num_solutions = 0;
void print_queens() {
for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
putchar(columns[x] == y ? 'Q' : '.');
// recursively process columns, with backtracking
void find_solutions(int col, uint8_t rows, uint16_t diags_up_down, uint16_t diags_down_up) {
if(col == 8) {
} else {
// use a temporary copy of rows for checking/removing candidate row bits
uint8_t rows_to_process = rows;
while(rows_to_process) {
// find first remaining row (set bits == empty, because gcc has ffs and not ffz)
int row = __builtin_ffs(rows_to_process)-1;
// get diagonal indexes for row and column
int diags_up_down_bit = 7 + col - row;
int diags_down_up_bit = 7 + row - (7 - col);
// check if either diagonal was already taken by a previous column
if((diags_up_down & (1 << diags_up_down_bit)) == 0 ||
(diags_down_up & (1 << diags_down_up_bit)) == 0 ) {
goto next_row;
// clear selected diagonal and row (removing the candidate bits)
rows &= ~(1 << row);
diags_up_down &= ~(1 << diags_up_down_bit);
diags_down_up &= ~(1 << diags_down_up_bit);
// set the row for drawing this column
columns[col] = row;
// recursively solve for next column and with updated rows/diagonals
find_solutions(col+1, rows, diags_up_down, diags_down_up);
// unset the row for drawing this column
columns[col] = -1;
// set selected diagonal and row (restoring the candidate bits)
rows |= (1 << row);
diags_up_down |= (1 << diags_up_down_bit);
diags_down_up |= (1 << diags_down_up_bit);
// remove the row we just processed
rows_to_process &= ~(1 << row);
int main() {
uint8_t rows = 0b11111111;
// 15 diagonals in each direction (down-left/up-right and up-left/down-right)
uint16_t diag_initial = 0b111111111111111;
find_solutions(0, rows, diag_initial, diag_initial);
printf("Found %i solutions\n", num_solutions);
return 0;
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