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Created August 14, 2020 03:58
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Parse lines from a string
* @file buf_splitter.c
* @brief Split a string into a series of records.
* @details Parse lines from a string in modifiable memory. A control structure
* is initialized first. Then substrings separated by the specified
* record-separator are returned by repeated calls to bs_next(). The end of
* available strings is indicated by bs_next() returning NULL.
* The string is treated as a series of records separated by a record
* separator. That separator is typically a newline, but is specified in the
* call to bs_init().
* The string may be returned to its original condition by calling bs_restore().
* No buffers are allocated, so none need to be freed.
* @author Edward Hetherington
#define _GNU_SOURCE /**< for rawmemchr() */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "buf_splitter.h"
* @fn void bs_init(struct buf_splitter *, char *, int)
* @brief Initialize a control structure to manage the process,
* @details Replace all the Record Separator chars with '\0'. This requires the
* string to be in modifiable memory.
* @param splitter The control structure to be initialized.
* @param buf The buffer to be managed. It will be modified, but may be
* restored to it's original state.
* @param rs The character to be used as the Record Separator. Typically newline.
void bs_init(struct buf_splitter *splitter, char *buf, int rs) {
if ((splitter == NULL) || (buf == NULL)) { return; }
bzero(splitter, sizeof(struct buf_splitter));
splitter->buf = buf;
splitter->rs = rs;
splitter->current_start = buf;
splitter->buf_end = rawmemchr(buf, '\0');
splitter->len = splitter->buf_end - splitter->buf;
for (char *p = splitter->buf; p < splitter->buf_end; p++) {
if (*p == splitter->rs) {
*p = '\0';
* @fn void bs_restore(struct buf_splitter *)
* @brief Restore the buffer to its original state.
* @details
* Replace all the '\0' chars (except the one at the end of the buffer)
* with the original Record Separator.
* @param splitter The previously initialized control structure.
void bs_restore(struct buf_splitter *splitter) {
if ((splitter == NULL) || (splitter->buf == NULL)) { return; }
for (char *p = splitter->buf; p < splitter->buf_end; p++) {
if (*p == '\0') {
*p = splitter->rs;
* @fn char *bs_next(struct buf_splitter *)
* @brief Fetch the next record.
* @return A pointer to the next string, or NULL if there are no more.
char *bs_next(struct buf_splitter *splitter) {
if ((splitter == NULL) || (splitter->buf == NULL)) { return NULL; }
if (splitter->current_start >= splitter->buf_end) {
return NULL;
/* set up for the next string, and return the current one */
char *retval = splitter->current_start;
if (*retval == '\0') { // at end of string, start next char
} else if (splitter->current_start < splitter->buf_end) { /* any left ? */
/* buffer is null terminated */
char *next = memchr(splitter->current_start,
'\0', splitter->buf_end - splitter->current_start);
if (next == NULL) { /* no more */
splitter->current_start = splitter->buf_end;
} else {
splitter->current_start = next + 1;
return retval;
#ifndef _REMOVE_ME_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "buf_splitter.h"
* @fn int main(void)
int main(void) {
/* string in r/w memory */
char string[] = {
"hello world\n"
"this is line 2\n"
"this is line 3\n"
/* print the original buffer */
printf("Original:\n%s", string);
/* initialize the control structure */
struct buf_splitter splitter;
bs_init(&splitter, string, '\n');
/* print the strings */
char *line;
printf("\nOne line at a time:\n");
while ((line = bs_next(&splitter))!= NULL) {
printf("%s\n", line);
/* restore to original condition */
/* print the restored buffer */
printf("\nRestored:\n%s", string);
return 0;
#ifndef _BUF_SPLITTER_
#define _BUF_SPLITTER_
struct buf_splitter {
char *buf; /**< the buffer being dissected */
int rs; /**< character to be used as a record separator */
char *buf_end; /**< the end of the buffer */
int len; /**< the length of the buffer */
char *current_start; /**< pointer to the next record to return */
void bs_init(struct buf_splitter *splitter, char *buf, int rs);
char *bs_next(struct buf_splitter *splitter);
void bs_restore(struct buf_splitter *splitter);
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