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Laziness at it's peak

Ehsan Khan ehsan18t

Laziness at it's peak
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ehsan18t /
Last active March 28, 2025 18:40
Enable Processor Boost Mode Control in Advanced Power Settings

Enable Processor Boost Mode Control in Windows

Disable Turbo Boost to Reduce Power Consumption and Heat

Why Do We Need It?

The thing is if your laptop cpu is getting really hot and you are trying to undervolt it then chances are 99% that there are no method to do so. I have also tried to do undervolt my Ryzen 7 5800H but no luck. Because the bios doesn't allow that much control over the cpu. I don't know the specific reasons for the manufactures to restrict such a great thing. But with this you can disable the Turbo Boost. While this might sounds stupid but trust me you won't see a massive difference in performance after turned it off.

When You should Do It?

ishad0w / aveyo_edge_removal.bat
Last active March 24, 2025 18:35
AveYo (Microsoft Edge Removal)
@(set "0=%~f0"^)#) & powershell -nop -c iex([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) & exit /b
#:: just copy-paste into powershell - it's a standalone hybrid script
sp 'HKCU:\Volatile Environment' 'Edge_Removal' @'
$also_remove_webview = 1
## why also remove webview? because it is 2 copies of edge, not a slimmed down CEF, and is driving bloated web apps
$also_remove_widgets = 1
## why also remove widgets? because it is a webview glorified ad portal on msn and bing news cathering to stupid people
$also_remove_xsocial = 1
## why also remove xsocial? because it starts webview setup every boot - xbox gamebar will still work without the social crap
Richienb / DownloadFile.vbs
Last active August 24, 2024 14:34
Download A File In Visual Basic Script (vbs)
Sub HTTPDownload( myURL, myPath )
Dim i, objFile, objFSO, objHTTP, strFile, strMsg
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
If objFSO.FolderExists( myPath ) Then
strFile = objFSO.BuildPath( myPath, Mid( myURL, InStrRev( myURL, "/" ) + 1 ) )
ElseIf objFSO.FolderExists( Left( myPath, InStrRev( myPath, "\" ) - 1 ) ) Then
strFile = myPath
WScript.Echo "ERROR: Target folder not found."