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Last active May 2, 2018 14:17
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Duplicate User Plex IPTables Drop Rule
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script is meant to be run as a root cronjob. You can run it however frequently
# you desire - I run it every minute. It determines the number of streams, and cross
# references the usernames. If there are duplicate usernames, it checks if the IP
# addresses are different. If so, it generates IPTables rules that will drop packets
# from both IP addresses.
# This does not save any IPTables rules, so on a reboot or service restart the rules
# will be lost.
import urllib2
import os
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
# NOTE: This will only work from the Plex server itself (executing iptables rules locally)
# Plex Server details
server_address = ""
server_port = ""
excluded_users = []
http_response = urllib2.urlopen("http://" + server_address + ":" + server_port + "/status/sessions")
xml_response =
stream_root = etree.fromstring(xml_response)
current_streams = stream_root.findall('Video')
user_ip_dict = {}
for stream in current_streams:
username = stream.findall('User')[0].attrib['title']
ip_address = stream.findall('Player')[0].attrib['address']
if username in user_ip_dict and user_ip_dict[username] != ip_address:
# Generate rules
iptables_first_rule = "INPUT -p tcp -s " + ip_address + " --dport " + server_port + " -j DROP"
iptables_second_rule = "INPUT -p tcp -s " + user_ip_dict[username] + " --dport " + server_port + " -j DROP"
# Delete rules first if they exists (prevents dupes)
os.system("iptables -D " + iptables_first_rule)
os.system("iptables -D " + iptables_second_rule)
# Ban IP's
os.system("iptables -I " + iptables_first_rule)
os.system("iptables -I " + iptables_second_rule)
elif username not in excluded_users:
# Add to stream_dict
user_ip_dict[username] = ip_address
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ezzauk commented Apr 20, 2016

How would you go about checking the duplicate ip against Video and Tracks so it covers Movies, Tv, Music?

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