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Created August 7, 2024 09:03
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# OTP Implementation Flow and Code
## 1. Generate OTP
When a sensitive operation is requested, a new OTP is generated.
def opt_generator(self):
opt_number = random.randint(self.otp_srange, self.opt_erange)
return opt_number
g_otp = otp.opt_generator()
## 2. Store OTP
The generated OTP is stored along with the client identifier (CLI) and timestamp.
def store_using_cli(self, cli, otp, start_time):
if otp not in[cli] = {"otp": otp, "stime": start_time}
stime = time.time()
otp.store_using_cli(cli, g_otp, stime)
## 3. Send OTP to User
The system informs the user that an OTP has been sent to their mobile number.
dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"আপনার মোবাইল নাম্বার এ, সিক্স ডিজিট ওটিপি এস,এম,এস এর মাধ্যমে পাঠানো হয়েছে, দয়া করে ওটিপি দুই মিনিট আর মধ্যে টাইপ করুন, আমরা, আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষা করতেছি")
## 4. User Inputs OTP
The system extracts the numerical value from the user's input.
filterd_opt_extraction = hp_obj.get_numerical_value(last_text, limit=4)
## 5. Validate OTP
The input OTP is checked against the stored OTP.
if filterd_opt_extraction[0] == str(opt_data[cli]["otp"]):
# OTP is correct
return {
"credit_card_otp_number": filterd_opt_extraction[0],
"process_continue_status": True,
"process_state": "complete",
"process_interruption": 0
elif filterd_opt_extraction[0] != str(opt_data[cli]["otp"]):
# OTP is incorrect
dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"দুঃখিত, আপনার প্রবেশকৃত ওটিপি সঠিক নয়, অনুগ্রহপূর্বক পুনরায় ওটিপি প্রবেশ করান")
return {
"credit_card_otp_number": None,
"requested_slot": "credit_card_otp_number",
"process_state": "repeated",
"process_continue_status": False,
"process_interruption": process_interruption
## 6. Check OTP Expiration
The system checks if the OTP has expired based on the timestamp.
def check_status_cli_opt(self, cli, end_time):
status = False
if cli in
stime =[cli]["stime"]
if end_time-stime > self.sleep_time:
status = True
return status
timeout_status = otp.check_status_cli_opt(cli, endtime)
if timeout_status:
# OTP has expired, generate a new one
stime = time.time()
g_otp = otp.opt_generator()
otp.store_using_cli(cli, g_otp, stime)
dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"আপনার ওটিপি সাবমিট এর সময় শেষ, আবার ওটিপি সাবমিট করেন")
## 7. Handle Repeated Attempts
The system tracks the number of failed attempts and transfers to an agent if the limit is exceeded.
process_interruption += 1
if process_interruption > cfg.PREPETED_TIME:
dispatcher.utter_message(text = response_db["agent_transfer"]["text"])
## 8. Handle OTP Not Received
If the user indicates they didn't receive the OTP, a new one is generated and sent.
not_get_status = hp_obj.opt_not_get_status(last_text)
if not_get_status == True:
dispatcher.utter_message(text = f"আপনার মোবাইল নাম্বার এ, সিক্স ডিজিট ওটিপি এস,এম,এস এর মাধ্যমে পাঠানো হয়েছে, দয়া করে ওটিপি দুই মিনিট আর মধ্যে টাইপ করুন, আমরা, আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষা করতেছি")
stime = time.time()
callid, cli = hp_obj.get_cli_and_callid(sender_id)
g_otp = otp.opt_generator()
otp.store_using_cli(cli, g_otp, stime)
## 9. Complete Requested Action
If the OTP is correctly validated, the system proceeds with the requested action (e.g., card activation).
# This would be part of the larger conversation flow, not directly in the OTP validation code
if credit_card_otp_number_valid:
# Proceed with card activation or other sensitive operation
This structured flow provides a comprehensive view of the OTP implementation, from generation to final action completion, along with the corresponding code snippets for each step.
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