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Created August 14, 2024 08:26
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import requests
from typing import Any, Text, Dict, List
class BankAPI:
def __init__(self):
self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def data_validation(self, data_list):
data_list = list(map(str, data_list))
return data_list
def fetch_api_data(self, cli: str, terid: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
url = ''
params = {
'sercret': 'PVFzWnlWQmJsdkNxQUszcWJrbFlUNjJVREpVMXR6R09kTHN5QXNHYSt1ZWM=',
'rm': 'I',
'callid': '12324243433',
'connname': 'MWGCAAMB',
'cli': cli,
'terid': terid
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
return response.json()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error fetching API data: {str(e)}")
return None
def process_api_data(self, data: List[Dict[str, Any]], category: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
if not data or not isinstance(data[0], dict):
print(f"Invalid data format for {category}")
return []
response_data = data[0].get('responseData', [])
if not response_data:
print(f"No response data available for {category}")
return []
processed_data = [
'Account': account.get('Account', ''),
'Name': account.get('Name', ''),
'Date': account.get('Date', ''),
'MinimumAmount': account.get('MinimumAmount', ''),
'Amount': account.get('Amount', ''),
'ClientId': account.get('ClientId', ''),
'AccountNumber': account.get('AccountNumber', '')
} for account in response_data
return processed_data
def get_account_data(self, cli: str, categories: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
result = {}
for category in categories:
data = self.fetch_api_data(cli, category)
if data:
processed_data = self.process_api_data(data, category)
result[category] = processed_data
print(f"Failed to fetch data for {category}")
return result
# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
api = BankAPI()
cli_value = '01811481899'
categories = ['VISA', 'Master', 'Deposit', 'Loan']
account_data = api.get_account_data(cli_value, categories)
for category, data in account_data.items():
print(f"\n{category} data:")
for account in data:
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ehzawad commented Aug 15, 2024

function send(message){
    var userInput=message

    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    //x ='GET', ''+sender+'&output=' + encodeURIComponent(userInput), true);
    x ='GET', ''+sender+'&output=' + encodeURIComponent(userInput), true);

    console.log('XHR request initial ized');
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
        var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

        console.log("Response from server: ", data);

        // let audioData = atob(data[0].audio);
        // let audioArray = new Uint8Array(audioData.length);
        // for (let i = 0; i < audioData.length; i++) {
        //   audioArray[i] = audioData.charCodeAt(i);
        // }
        // let audioBlob = new Blob([audioArray.buffer], { type: 'audio/wav' });

        // // Create a URL for the blob
        // var url = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);

        // // Create a new Audio object and play the audio
        // audio1 = new Audio(url);
        // audio1.autoplay = true;

        // $("#userInput").val("");

    xhr.onerror = function () {
    // Handle the error case
    console.error('An error occurred while making the request.');


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