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Last active July 12, 2024 14:23
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Extract and analyze the structure of a mlProgram CoreML models with CoreML7 spec version. This script outputs the layer names, their corresponding offsets, and tensor dimensions in a readable format. It's particularly useful for debugging and identifying unexpected sizes in exported CoreML models.
# Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Grigorev <[email protected]>
# This software is licensed under the MIT License. Redistribution and use are permitted
# provided that the license terms are met. For details, see the MIT License:
import sys
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
import coremltools
type_sizes = {
"FLOAT16": 2,
"FLOAT32": 4,
"INT32": 4,
"UINT16": 2,
model = coremltools.models.MLModel(sys.argv[1])
spec = model.get_spec()
main_function = spec.mlProgram.functions["main"]
for i in main_function.block_specializations['CoreML7'].operations:
op_name = i.attributes['name'].immediateValue.tensor.strings.values[0]
v = i.attributes["val"]
t = v.type.tensorType
t_name = coremltools.proto.MIL_pb2.DataType.Name(t.dataType)
match v.WhichOneof("value"):
case "immediateValue":
iv = v.immediateValue
assert iv.WhichOneof("value") == "tensor"
rv = iv.tensor
rv_type = iv.tensor.WhichOneof("value")
rv_values = repr(getattr(iv.tensor, rv_type).values)
t_str = f"inline {rv_type}({rv_values})"
case "blobFileValue":
shape = [i.constant.size for i in t.dimensions]
assert t_name in type_sizes
byte_size = reduce(mul, shape) * type_sizes[t_name]
t_str = f"shape={'x'.join(str(i) for i in shape)} offset={v.blobFileValue.offset} byte_size={byte_size}"
case _:
t_str = "unknown"
t_str.replace('\n', ''),
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