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Last active December 12, 2024 14:31
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 12: Garden Groups. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 12: Garden Groups.
// dotnet fsi aoc12.fsx
open System
open System.IO
module Garden =
let inBounds (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
let first = y >= 0 && y < a.GetLength(0)
let second = x >= 0 && x < a.GetLength(1)
first && second
let tryGet (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
if inBounds a (x, y) then Some (Array2D.get a y x) else None
let get (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
Array2D.get a y x
let positions (a : 'a[,]) =
let rowCount = a.GetLength(0)
let colCount = a.GetLength(1)
[for x in [0..colCount-1] do for y in [0..rowCount-1] -> (x, y)]
let fromList (lst : 'a list list) =
let width = lst |> List.head |> List.length
let height = lst |> List.length
Array2D.init height width (fun y x -> lst |> List.item y |> List.item x)
type Pos = (int * int)
type Side = { startPos : Pos; endPos : Pos }
type Border = Enter of Side | Exit of Side
let readLines =
>> Array.filter (fun line -> line <> String.Empty)
>> Array.toList
let rec fill garden ch (x, y) plot =
if (x, y) |> Garden.inBounds garden then
if Set.contains (x, y) plot then plot
if ch = Garden.get garden (x, y) then
|> Set.add (x, y)
|> fill garden ch ((x - 1), y)
|> fill garden ch ((x + 1), y)
|> fill garden ch (x, (y - 1))
|> fill garden ch (x, (y + 1))
else plot
else plot
let fillPlot garden (x, y) =
let ch = Garden.get garden (x, y)
fill garden ch (x, y) Set.empty
let findPlots garden =
let rec loop startPositions plots visited =
match startPositions with
| [] -> plots
| pos :: remaining ->
if Set.contains pos visited then
loop remaining plots visited
let plot = fillPlot garden pos
loop remaining (plot :: plots) (Set.union visited plot)
let startPositions = Garden.positions garden
loop startPositions [] Set.empty
let calculateArea plot = Set.count plot
let countBorders garden (x, y) =
let isBorder plotPlant pos =
match Garden.tryGet garden pos with
| None -> true
| Some plant -> plant <> plotPlant
let plotPlant = Garden.get garden (x, y)
[ (x, y-1); (x-1, y); (x, y+1); (x+1, y) ]
|> List.filter (isBorder plotPlant)
|> List.length
let rec combine borders =
match borders with
| [] -> []
| first :: rest ->
let fitSide firstSide side =
side.startPos = firstSide.endPos || firstSide.startPos = side.endPos
let fit first border =
match (first, border) with
| (Enter firstSide, Enter side) -> fitSide firstSide side
| (Exit firstSide, Exit side) -> fitSide firstSide side
| _ -> false
match rest |> List.tryFind (fit first) with
| None ->
first :: combine rest
| Some border ->
let filtered = rest |> List.filter ((<>) border)
let combineSides side1 side2 =
if side2.startPos = side1.endPos then
{ startPos = side1.startPos; endPos = side2.endPos }
{ startPos = side2.startPos; endPos = side1.endPos }
let combined =
match (first, border) with
| (Enter firstSide, Enter side) ->
Enter (combineSides firstSide side)
| (Exit firstSide, Exit side) ->
Exit (combineSides firstSide side)
| _ -> failwith "?"
combine (combined :: filtered)
let getBordersForPlot garden plot =
let checkBorder before after endPos =
match (plot |> Set.contains before, plot |> Set.contains after) with
| false, true -> Some <| Enter ({ startPos = after; endPos = endPos })
| true, false -> Some <| Exit ({ startPos = after; endPos = endPos })
| _ -> None
let findVerticalBorders plot y0 =
let xs = plot |> Set.filter (fun (x, y) -> y = y0) |> fst
let xMin = xs |> Set.minElement
let xMax = xs |> Set.maxElement
let xRange = [ (xMin - 1) .. (xMax + 1) ]
xRange |> List.pairwise |> List.choose (fun (x1, x2) -> checkBorder (x1, y0) (x2, y0) (x2, y0 + 1))
let findHorizontalBorders plot x0 =
let ys = plot |> Set.filter (fun (x, y) -> x = x0) |> snd
let yMin = ys |> Set.minElement
let yMax = ys |> Set.maxElement
let yRange = [ (yMin - 1) .. (yMax + 1) ]
yRange |> List.pairwise |> List.choose (fun (y1, y2) -> checkBorder (x0, y1) (x0, y2) (x0+1, y2))
let xs = plot |> fst
let ys = plot |> snd
let xMin = xs |> Set.minElement
let xMax = xs |> Set.maxElement
let yMin = ys |> Set.minElement
let yMax = ys |> Set.maxElement
let verticalBorders = [ yMin .. yMax ] |> List.collect (findVerticalBorders plot) |> combine
let horizontalBorders = [ xMin .. xMax ] |> List.collect (findHorizontalBorders plot) |> combine
verticalBorders @ horizontalBorders
let calculateWithDiscount garden plot =
plot |> getBordersForPlot garden |> List.length
let calculateWithoutDiscount garden plot =
plot |> Set.toList |> List.sumBy (countBorders garden)
let fenceCost discount garden plot =
let a = calculateArea plot
let calculatePerimeter = if discount then calculateWithDiscount else calculateWithoutDiscount
let p = calculatePerimeter garden plot
a * p
let outputResult maybeExpected result =
match maybeExpected with
| None ->
printfn "%d" result
| Some expected ->
if result = expected then
printfn "%d ✓" result
printfn "%d vs %d ✗" result expected
let run fileName maybeExpectedPart1 maybeExpectedPart2 =
printfn "%s" fileName
let lines = readLines fileName |> Seq.toList
let garden = Garden.fromList lines
let plots = findPlots garden
let result1 = plots |> List.sumBy (fenceCost false garden)
outputResult maybeExpectedPart1 result1
let result2 = plots |> List.sumBy (fenceCost true garden)
outputResult maybeExpectedPart2 result2
printfn ""
run "sample" (Some 140) (Some 80)
run "sample-xo" (Some 772) (Some 436)
run "sample-larger" (Some 1930) (Some 1206)
run "sample-e" None (Some 236)
run "sample-abba" None (Some 368)
run "input" None None
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