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Created December 18, 2024 23:55
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 18: RAM Run. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 18: RAM Run.
// dotnet fsi aoc18.fsx
open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
type Pos = (int*int)
type PQ = PriorityQueue<Pos * int, int>
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let join (sep : string) (seq : string seq) = String.Join(sep, seq)
let charsToString (chars : char array) = new String(chars)
let parsePos (s : string) =
match s |> split "," |> int with
| [|a; b|] -> Some (a, b)
| _ -> None
let readLines =
>> Array.filter (fun line -> line <> String.Empty)
>> Array.toList
let getAllPositions dim =
let rowCount = dim
let colCount = dim
[for x in [0..colCount-1] do for y in [0..rowCount-1] -> (x, y)]
let visualize dim corrupted =
let range = [ 0 .. dim ]
let createRow y =
|> (fun x -> if Set.contains (x, y) corrupted then '#' else '.')
|> List.toArray
|> charsToString
|> (createRow)
|> join "\n"
|> printfn "%s"
let getNeighbours (x, y) =
[ (x, y - 1)
(x - 1, y)
(x, y + 1)
(x + 1, y) ]
let solve dim corrupted =
let startPos = (0, 0)
let endPos = (dim, dim)
let rec loop (visited, q : PQ) =
if q.Count = 0 then None
let (pos, distance) = q.Dequeue()
if pos = endPos then Some distance
let next =
getNeighbours pos
|> List.filter (fun (x, y) -> x >= 0 && x <= dim && y >= 0 && y <= dim)
|> List.filter (fun p -> not (Set.contains p visited))
|> List.filter (fun p -> not (Set.contains p corrupted))
next |> List.iter (fun p -> q.Enqueue((p, distance + 1), distance + 1))
let nextVisited = next |> Set.ofList |> Set.union visited
loop (nextVisited, q)
let queue = PQ()
queue.Enqueue((startPos, 0), 0)
loop (Set.empty |> Set.add startPos, queue)
let findMinSteps dim byteCount corrupted =
|> List.take byteCount
|> Set.ofList
|> solve dim
|> Option.get
let findBlocker dim byteCount0 allCorrupted =
let rec loop minByteCount maxByteCount byteCount =
let diff = maxByteCount - minByteCount
if diff = 1 then minByteCount
let corrupted = allCorrupted |> List.take byteCount |> Set.ofList
let nextByteCount = minByteCount + (diff / 2)
match solve dim corrupted with
| Some distance ->
loop byteCount maxByteCount nextByteCount
| None ->
loop minByteCount byteCount nextByteCount
let lastByteCount = loop byteCount0 (List.length allCorrupted) byteCount0
let (x, y) = allCorrupted |> List.skip lastByteCount |> List.head
sprintf "%d,%d" x y
let run dim byteCount fileName =
let lines = readLines fileName
let corrupted = lines |> List.choose parsePos
corrupted |> findMinSteps dim byteCount |> printfn "%d"
corrupted |> findBlocker dim byteCount |> printfn "%s"
// run 6 12 "sample"
run 70 1024 "input"
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