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Last active December 15, 2024 13:46
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  • Save einarwh/6b6e5802f4f295840c872611d273057c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save einarwh/6b6e5802f4f295840c872611d273057c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Advent of Code 2024. Day 14: Restroom Redoubt. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 14: Restroom Redoubt.
// dotnet fsi aoc14.fsx
open System
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics
type Pos = (int * int)
type Robot = { p : Pos; v : Pos }
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let substring (startIndex : int) (input : string) = input.Substring(startIndex)
let parsePos s =
match s |> split "=" |> Array.item 1 |> split "," |> int with
| [|x;y|] -> (x, y)
| _ -> failwith "pos ?"
let parseRobot s =
match s |> split " " with
| [|pStr;vStr|] ->
{ p = parsePos pStr; v = parsePos vStr }
| _ -> failwith "robot ?"
let move width height seconds robot =
let (x, y) = robot.p
let (vx, vy) = robot.v
let (x', y') = ((x + (vx + width) * seconds) % width, (y + (height + vy) * seconds) % height)
{ robot with p = (x', y') }
let simulate width height seconds (robots : Robot list) =
robots |> (move width height seconds)
let countRobotsInRow yRow robots =
|> (fun r -> r.p)
|> List.choose (fun (x, y) -> if y = yRow then Some x else None)
|> List.countBy id
let countPositions (positions : Pos list) : int =
|> List.countBy id
|> List.sumBy snd
let createRow robots width yRow =
let countedRobots = robots |> countRobotsInRow yRow
let robotMap : Map<int, int> =
|> Map.ofList
[ 0 .. (width - 1) ]
|> (fun x -> Map.tryFind x robotMap |> string |> Option.defaultValue ".")
|> String.concat ""
let visualize width height robots =
[ 0 .. (height - 1) ] |> (createRow robots width) |> String.concat "\n" |> printfn "%s"
let readLines =
>> Array.filter (fun line -> line <> String.Empty)
>> Array.toList
let toQuadrant predicate robots =
robots |> (fun r -> r.p) |> List.filter predicate
let calculateSafetyFactor width height robots =
let midRow = height / 2
let midCol = width / 2
let nw = robots |> toQuadrant (fun (x, y) -> x < midCol && y < midRow) |> countPositions
let ne = robots |> toQuadrant (fun (x, y) -> x > midCol && y < midRow) |> countPositions
let sw = robots |> toQuadrant (fun (x, y) -> x < midCol && y > midRow) |> countPositions
let se = robots |> toQuadrant (fun (x, y) -> x > midCol && y > midRow) |> countPositions
nw * ne * sw * se
let neighbours (x, y) =
[ ((x - 1), (y - 1)); ((x, y - 1)); ((x + 1), (y - 1))
((x - 1), y); ((x + 1), y)
((x - 1), (y + 1)); ((x, y + 1)); ((x + 1), (y + 1)) ]
let rec fill (possiblePositionsLeft : Set<Pos>) (positionsToAdd : Set<Pos>) (connected : Set<Pos>) =
if Set.count positionsToAdd = 0 then
(connected, possiblePositionsLeft)
let nextConnected = Set.union connected positionsToAdd
let nextPositionsToAdd =
|> Set.toList
|> List.collect neighbours
|> Set.ofList
|> Set.filter (fun p -> (Set.contains p possiblePositionsLeft))
let possible = Set.difference possiblePositionsLeft nextPositionsToAdd
fill possible nextPositionsToAdd nextConnected
let fillFromPosition (positions : Set<Pos>) startPos =
let positionsToAdd = Set.empty |> Set.add startPos
fill positions positionsToAdd Set.empty
let tryFindTree (positions : Pos list) =
let rec loop posList =
match posList with
| [] -> None
| pos :: remaining ->
let possible = Set.ofList remaining
let (connected, updatedPossible) = fillFromPosition possible pos
if Set.count connected > 100 then
Some connected
let rem = updatedPossible |> Set.toList
loop rem
loop positions
let findTree width height robots =
let clock = Stopwatch.StartNew()
let rec loop seconds robots =
if seconds > 0 && seconds % 100 = 0 then printfn "Simulated %d 'seconds' in %d seconds" seconds ((int) clock.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)
let positions = robots |> (fun r -> r.p)
match tryFindTree positions with
| Some connected ->
printfn "Is this a tree? After %d 'seconds'." seconds
visualize width height robots
| None ->
let moved = simulate width height 1 robots
loop (seconds + 1) moved
loop 0 robots
let run width height searchForTree fileName =
let lines = readLines fileName
let robots = lines |> parseRobot
let moved = robots |> simulate width height 100
moved |> calculateSafetyFactor width height |> printfn "%A"
if searchForTree then findTree width height robots
run 11 7 false "sample"
run 101 103 true "input"
//run 101 103 true "not-a-tree.txt"
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