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Last active December 13, 2024 10:11
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  • Save einarwh/84e679af56a28e24f56e8ea8577adf06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 13: Claw Contraption. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 13: Claw Contraption.
// dotnet fsi aoc13.fsx
open System
open System.IO
type Machine =
{ ax : int64
bx : int64
ay : int64
by : int64
xGoal : int64
yGoal : int64 }
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let substring (startIndex : int) (input : string) = input.Substring(startIndex)
let parseLine s =
let parts = s |> split ": " |> Array.item 1 |> split ", " |> (substring 2 >> int64)
match parts with
| [|x;y|] -> (x, y)
| _ -> failwith "button ?"
let parseMachine s =
match s |> split "\n" with
| [|xLine;yLine;goalLine|] ->
let (ax, ay) = parseLine xLine
let (bx, by) = parseLine yLine
let (gx, gy) = parseLine goalLine
{ ax = ax; bx = bx; ay = ay; by = by; xGoal = gx; yGoal = gy }
| _ -> failwith "machine ?"
let calculateA m =
(m.yGoal * m.bx - m.xGoal * / (m.bx * m.ay - *
let calculateB a m =
(m.xGoal - * a) / m.bx
let calculate clickConstraint m =
let a = m |> calculateA
let b = m |> calculateB a
let x = a * + b * m.bx
let y = a * m.ay + b *
if clickConstraint a && clickConstraint b && x = m.xGoal && y = m.yGoal then
Some (3L * a + b)
let calculate1 = calculate (fun clicks -> clicks <= 100)
let adjustGoals m =
{ m with xGoal = m.xGoal + 10000000000000L; yGoal = m.yGoal + 10000000000000L }
let calculate2 = adjustGoals >> calculate (fun _ -> true)
let run fileName =
let chunks = File.ReadAllText fileName |> trim |> split "\n\n" |> Array.toList
let machines = chunks |> parseMachine
machines |> List.choose calculate1 |> List.sum |> printfn "%d"
machines |> List.choose calculate2 |> List.sum |> printfn "%d"
run "input"
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