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Created December 15, 2024 13:47
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 15: Warehouse Woes. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 15: Warehouse Woes.
// dotnet fsi aoc15.fsx
open System
open System.IO
module Warehouse =
let inBounds (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
let first = y >= 0 && y < a.GetLength(0)
let second = x >= 0 && x < a.GetLength(1)
first && second
let tryGet (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
if inBounds a (x, y) then Some (Array2D.get a y x) else None
let get (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) =
Array2D.get a y x
let set (a : 'a[,]) (x, y) (v : 'a) =
Array2D.set a y x v
let positions (a : 'a[,]) =
let rowCount = a.GetLength(0)
let colCount = a.GetLength(1)
[for x in [0..colCount-1] do for y in [0..rowCount-1] -> (x, y)]
let map fn (a : 'a[,]) = fn a
let fromList (lst : 'a list list) =
let width = lst |> List.head |> List.length
let height = lst |> List.length
Array2D.init height width (fun y x -> lst |> List.item y |> List.item x)
let toList (a : 'a[,]) =
let yRange = [ 0 .. a.GetLength(0) - 1 ]
let xRange = [ 0 .. a.GetLength(1) - 1 ]
|> (fun y -> xRange |> (fun x -> get a (x, y)))
type Pos = int*int
type Move = N | W | S | E
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let concat (seq : string seq) = String.Concat(seq)
let join (sep : string) (seq : string seq) = String.Join(sep, seq)
let replace (oldValue : string) (newValue : string) (s : string) = s.Replace(oldValue, newValue)
let visualize warehouse robotPos =
let viz = Array2D.copy warehouse
Warehouse.set viz robotPos '@'
let lines = viz |> Warehouse.toList
lines |> (fun chars -> new String(List.toArray chars)) |> join "\n" |> printfn "%s"
let charToMove ch =
match ch with
| '^' -> N
| '<' -> W
| 'v' -> S
| '>' -> E
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "%c ?" ch)
let parseMoves text =
text |> Seq.toList |> charToMove
let findRobot (warehouse : char[,]) : Pos =
let rec find positions =
match positions with
| [] -> failwith "no robot?"
| pos :: rest ->
if (Warehouse.get warehouse pos) = '@' then pos
else find rest
find <| Warehouse.positions warehouse
let moveToOffset move =
match move with
| N -> (0, -1)
| W -> (-1, 0)
| S -> (0, 1)
| E -> (1, 0)
let moveStep move (x, y) =
let (dx, dy) = moveToOffset move
(x + dx, y + dy)
let tryFindSpaceDouble (warehouse : char[,]) (robotPos : Pos) (move : Move) : (Pos*Pos) list =
let rec loop positionsToMove (swaps : (Pos*Pos) list) =
let nextPositions = positionsToMove |> (moveStep move)
let things = nextPositions |> (Warehouse.get warehouse)
let proposedSwaps = positionsToMove nextPositions
let nextSwaps = proposedSwaps @ swaps
if things |> List.exists ((=) '#') then
// Met a wall!
else if things |> List.forall ((=) '.') then
// Free space for all!
// Boxes...
let positionsAndThings = nextPositions |> (fun p -> (p, Warehouse.get warehouse p))
let openPositions = positionsAndThings |> List.choose (fun (p, obstacle) -> if obstacle = '[' then Some p else None)
let closePositions = positionsAndThings |> List.choose (fun (p, obstacle) -> if obstacle = ']' then Some p else None)
let toTheRight (x, y) = (x + 1, y)
let toTheLeft (x, y) = (x - 1, y)
let rightPositions = openPositions |> (toTheRight)
let leftPositions = closePositions |> (toTheLeft)
let nextPositionsToMove = openPositions @ rightPositions @ closePositions @ leftPositions |> List.distinct
loop nextPositionsToMove nextSwaps
loop [robotPos] []
let tryFindSpaceSimple (warehouse : char[,]) (robotPos : Pos) (move : Move) : (Pos*Pos) list =
let rec loop (x, y) (swaps : (Pos*Pos) list) =
let (dx, dy) = moveToOffset move
let pos = (x + dx, y + dy)
let nextSwaps = (pos, (x, y)) :: swaps
match Warehouse.get warehouse pos with
| '#' ->
| '.' ->
| '['
| ']'
| 'O' ->
loop pos nextSwaps
| _ -> failwith "?"
loop robotPos []
let tryFindSpace wide (warehouse : char[,]) (robotPos : Pos) (move : Move) : (Pos*Pos) list =
if wide then
match move with
| N
| S -> tryFindSpaceDouble warehouse robotPos move
| W
| E -> tryFindSpaceSimple warehouse robotPos move
tryFindSpaceSimple warehouse robotPos move
let rec moveStuff warehouse swaps =
match swaps with
| [] -> ()
| (pos1, pos2) :: rest ->
let cell1 = Warehouse.get warehouse pos1
let cell2 = Warehouse.get warehouse pos2
Warehouse.set warehouse pos1 cell2
Warehouse.set warehouse pos2 cell1
moveStuff warehouse rest
let tryMoveRobot wide (warehouse : char[,], robotPos : Pos) (move : Move) =
match tryFindSpace wide warehouse robotPos move with
| [] ->
(warehouse, robotPos)
| swaps ->
moveStuff warehouse swaps
(warehouse, moveStep move robotPos)
let rec makeMoves wide (warehouse : char[,], robotPos : Pos) (moves : Move list) =
// printfn "\n"
// visualize warehouse robotPos
match moves with
| [] -> (warehouse, robotPos)
| m :: restMoves ->
let result = tryMoveRobot wide (warehouse, robotPos) m
makeMoves wide result restMoves
let gpsCoordinate (x, y) =
y * 100 + x
let widen text =
text |> replace "#" "##" |> replace "O" "[]" |> replace "." ".." |> replace "@" "@."
let solve wide moves text =
let toLines = split "\n" >> Array.toList
let warehouseText = if wide then widen text else text
let lines = warehouseText |> toLines |> Seq.toList
let warehouse = lines |> Warehouse.fromList
let robotPos = findRobot warehouse
Warehouse.set warehouse robotPos '.'
let (wh, rp) = makeMoves wide (warehouse, robotPos) moves
let boxPositions = wh |> Warehouse.positions |> List.choose (fun p -> if Warehouse.get wh p = 'O' || Warehouse.get wh p = '[' then Some p else None)
|> List.sumBy gpsCoordinate
|> printfn "%d"
let run fileName =
let text = File.ReadAllText fileName |> trim |> split "\n\n"
let joinUp = split "\n" >> concat
let warehouseText = text.[0]
let movesText = text.[1]
let moves = movesText |> joinUp |> parseMoves
warehouseText |> solve false moves
warehouseText |> solve true moves
run "input"
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