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Last active December 20, 2024 09:16
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 19: Linen Layout. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 19: Linen Layout.
// dotnet fsi aoc19.fsx
open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Concurrent
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let isPrefixOf (input : string) (prefix : string) = input.StartsWith(prefix)
let memoize f =
let cache = ConcurrentDictionary()
let rec recur x =
cache.GetOrAdd(x, lazy f recur x).Value
let createChecker towels =
fun recur pattern ->
if String.length pattern = 0 then 1L
|> List.filter (isPrefixOf pattern)
|> List.sumBy (fun c -> recur (pattern.Substring(String.length c)))
let run fileName =
let text = File.ReadAllText fileName |> trim |> split "\n\n"
let towels = text.[0] |> split ", " |> Array.toList |> List.sort
let patterns = text.[1] |> split "\n" |> Array.toList
let checkPattern = memoize (createChecker towels)
let results = patterns |> checkPattern
results |> List.filter ((<) 0L) |> List.length |> printfn "%d"
results |> List.sum |> printfn "%d"
run "input"
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