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Last active December 17, 2024 18:13
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Advent of Code 2024. Day 17: Chronospatial Computer. F# version.
// Advent of Code 2024. Day 17: Chronospatial Computer.
// dotnet fsi aoc17.fsx
open System
open System.IO
type Computer = {
regA : int64
regB : int64
regC : int64
pointer : int64
program : int64 array
outputs : int64 list
let trim (input : string) = input.Trim()
let split (splitter : string) (input : string) = input.Split(splitter)
let parseRegister s =
s |> split ": " |> Array.item 1 |> int64
let parseProgram s =
s |> split ": " |> Array.item 1 |> split "," |> int64
let parseComputer (arr : string array) =
{ regA = arr.[0] |> parseRegister
regB = arr.[1] |> parseRegister
regC = arr.[2] |> parseRegister
pointer = 0L
program = arr.[4] |> parseProgram
outputs = [] }
let tryReadOpcode computer =
let pt = computer.pointer
if pt < Array.length computer.program then
computer.program.[int pt] |> int |> Some
let literal computer =
let pt = computer.pointer + 1L
int (computer.program.[int pt])
let combo computer =
let n = literal computer
match n with
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 -> int64 n
| 4 -> computer.regA
| 5 -> computer.regB
| 6 -> computer.regC
| 7 -> failwith "reserved"
| _ -> failwith "?"
let writeA value computer =
{ computer with regA = value }
let writeB value computer =
{ computer with regB = value }
let writeC value computer =
{ computer with regC = value }
let nextInstruction computer =
{ computer with pointer = computer.pointer + 2L }
let jump target computer =
{ computer with pointer = target }
let output v computer =
{ computer with outputs = v :: computer.outputs }
let rec pow x y = if y < 1L then 1L else x * pow x (y - 1L)
let division computer =
let numerator = computer.regA
let denominator = pow 2 (combo computer)
numerator / denominator
let xor v1 v2 : int64 = v1 ^^^ v2
let modulo v : int64 = v % 8L
let adv (computer : Computer) : Computer =
|> writeA (division computer)
|> nextInstruction
let bdv computer =
|> writeB (division computer)
|> nextInstruction
let cdv computer =
|> writeC (division computer)
|> nextInstruction
let bxl computer =
|> writeB (xor (literal computer) computer.regB)
|> nextInstruction
let bst computer =
|> writeB (modulo (combo computer))
|> nextInstruction
let jnz computer =
if computer.regA = 0L then
computer |> nextInstruction
computer |> jump (literal computer)
let bxc computer =
let _ = literal computer // legacy
|> writeB (xor computer.regB computer.regC)
|> nextInstruction
let out computer =
|> output (modulo (combo computer))
|> nextInstruction
let rec execute computer =
match tryReadOpcode computer with
| None ->
computer.outputs |> List.rev |> List.toArray
| Some opcode ->
let c =
match opcode with
| 0 -> adv computer
| 1 -> bxl computer
| 2 -> bst computer
| 3 -> jnz computer
| 4 -> bxc computer
| 5 -> out computer
| 6 -> bdv computer
| 7 -> cdv computer
| _ -> failwith "?"
c |> execute
let printProgram program =
program |> string |> String.concat "," |> printfn "%s"
let quine computer =
let len = computer.program |> Array.length
let checkTarget opIndex target candidateA =
let p = execute { computer with regA = candidateA }
p.[opIndex] = target
let rec loop ix a =
let opIndex = len - ix
if ix > len then
Some a
let target = computer.program[opIndex]
let offset = pow 8L ((int64 len) - (int64 ix))
let candidates =
[ 0L .. 7L ]
|> (fun j -> a + j * offset)
|> List.choose (fun candidateA -> if checkTarget opIndex target candidateA then Some candidateA else None)
candidates |> List.tryPick (loop (ix + 1))
let a0 = pow 8L ((int64 len) - 1L)
match loop 1 a0 with
| Some a -> a
| None -> failwith ":("
let run fileName =
let text = File.ReadAllText fileName |> trim |> split "\n"
let computer = parseComputer text
computer |> execute |> printProgram
computer |> quine |> printfn "%d"
run "input"
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