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Forked from osaxma/hasura_connect_ex.dart
Created March 4, 2024 09:38
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a workaround for keeping haura_connect subscriptions alive when using JWT
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:hasura_connect/hasura_connect.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// problem:
// when subscribing to`HasuraConnect.subscription`, a websocket connection is created on the first subscription
// call. The websocket connection is created only once with the initial subscription and the provided TokenInterceptor
// or headers. When the token expires during an active subscription, HasuraConnect doesn't stop the subscription, or try
// to reconnect with the latest token in in the TokenInterceptor nor does it throw an error. It'll keep calling `onRequest`
// method indefinitely for some reason as it was observed in the TokenInterceptor.
// solution:
// When all active subscription are closed (ie Snapshot.close()), HasuraConnect will terminate the websocket connection
// The following implementation does exactly that and then reconnect again to create a websocket connection with the latest
// token interceptor. ALl this while keeping subscription alive. Here's how:
// - For each subscription, return a SnapshotX object and keep a reference to the object (currentSnapshots).
// - The SnapshotX object is fed by a source Snapshot that's updatable.
// - listen to an auth stream provided by the user.
// - when the auth stream sends an event, all source snapshots are closed (hence HasuraConnect closes websocket connection)
// - recreate all source snapshots and update each subscription (SnapshotX) with a new source snapshot
// - when recreating the new snapshots, hasura will use the latest Token available in the TokenInterceptor
// and recreate a new websocket connection.
// this way the user stream/subscription stays alive and all this process happens in the background as shown in the code below.
/// usage:
/// ```dart
/// // import this file
/// import '../hasura_connect_ex.dart';
/// final hasuraClient = HasuraConnectX(
/// url,
/// // use your own TokenInterceptor per hasura_connect docs
/// interceptors: [TokenInterceptor(tokenProvider: tokenProvider)],
/// // you can pass firebase stream onAuthStateChanged here, or any stream that trigers when token is updated.
/// onAuthStateChanged: tokenProvider(),
/// );
/// final snapshot = await hasuraClient.subscriptionX(docSubscription); // this will return SnapshotX
/// // you can use it the same way as hasuraClient.subscription:
/// // map and listen
/// {....} )listen((event) { ... });
/// // change variables
/// snapshot.changeVariables(variables);
/// // close snapshot
/// snapshot.close();
/// ```
// an extended HasuraConnect that updates subscription based on an auth stream.
// make sure you've an TokenInterceptor in place in order for this implementation to work.
class HasuraConnectX extends HasuraConnect {
String url, {
@required Stream onAuthStateChanged,
int reconnectionAttemp,
List<Interceptor> interceptors,
Map<String, String> headers,
http.Client httpClient,
}) : super(
reconnectionAttemp: reconnectionAttemp,
interceptors: interceptors,
headers: headers,
httpClient: httpClient,
) {
// skip the first event since it'll not indicate an actual change in the Auth State
authStateSubscription = onAuthStateChanged.skip(1).listen((event) {
// to avoid unncessary connections/disconnetions
// another option is to pause authStateSubscription when currentSnapshots.isEmpty
if (currentSnapshots.isNotEmpty) {
//print('refreshing ${currentSnapshots.length} snapshot(s) from HasuraConnectX');
// this can be any stream that sends events whenever auth state changed (the evnets are not read)
// make sure the TokenInterceptor always has an up to date token because HasuraConnect will use that create a the new
// websocket connection
StreamSubscription authStateSubscription;
// a map for the current snapshots that to be updated when Auth State Changed
final Map<String, SnapshotX<Object>> currentSnapshots = {};
// a wrapper around HasuraConnect subscription
Future<SnapshotX> subscriptionX(String document, {String key, Map<String, dynamic> variables}) async {
final snapshot = await super.subscription(document, key: key, variables: variables);
// if the key is not provided, use the one created by hasuraClient.subscription
key ??= snapshot.query.key;
currentSnapshots[key] = SnapshotX(
sourceSnapshot: snapshot,
onClose: () => currentSnapshots.remove(key),
onMap: (newSnapshotX) => currentSnapshots[key] = newSnapshotX,
return currentSnapshots[key];
void refreshSubscriptions() async {
// when disconnect is called, hasuraClient will close all the active snapshots.
// the disconnection process includes futures + a 300 ms Future.delayed.
await disconnect();
// recreate all the snapshots that are still active based on currentSnapshots map
void _recreateSnapshots() {
// print('recreating connections....');
for (var key in currentSnapshots.keys) {
final intermediateSnapshot = currentSnapshots[key];
key: intermediateSnapshot.key,
variables: intermediateSnapshot.variables,
).then((newSnapshot) => intermediateSnapshot.updateSourceSnapshot(newSnapshot));
Future<void> dispose() async {
// no need to call disconnect, super.dispose() already does
await authStateSubscription?.cancel();
return super.dispose();
// note: I tried initially to extend the Snapshot class but that didn't go well since Snapshot has a constructor body
// that does its own shenanigans
// this class mainly keeps the sourceSnapshot and pipe its event to a stream that can be used by the user.
class SnapshotX<T> {
// keep dynamic without generic types otherwise it'll throw an error when updating (because snapshots comes as dynamic)
Snapshot sourceSnapshot;
final void Function() onClose;
final void Function(SnapshotX newSnapshotX) onMap;
// controller should be dynamic because when the snapshot is mapped, the Type will change.
// rootStream will take care of mapping the stream of the controller into the new types without changing the controller
// controller and rootstream are mutable because they are assigned based on two cases:
// - in a new snapshot case, will initialize a streamcontroller and pass its stream to rootStream
// - in a mapping case, controller and roostream are passed from the previous snapshot (see `map` method)
StreamController controller;
Stream<T> rootStream;
// used to update the snapshot with the same query.
final String key;
final String document;
Map<String, dynamic> variables;
@required this.sourceSnapshot,
@required this.onClose,
@required this.onMap,
StreamController controller,
Stream<T> rootStream,
}) : key = sourceSnapshot.query.key,
document = sourceSnapshot.query.document,
variables = sourceSnapshot.query.variables {
// TODO: should convert to a broadcast stream instead?
this.controller = controller ?? StreamController(onListen: _pipe, onCancel: _onCancel);
this.rootStream = rootStream ??;
Future<void> changeVariables(Map<String, dynamic> variables) async {
this.variables = variables;
// to keep the latest variables up to date on currentSnapshots map
// HasuraConnect will take care of changing the variables and updating the sourceSnapshot internally.
await sourceSnapshot.changeVariables(variables);
void updateSourceSnapshot(Snapshot snapshot) {
// update the source snapshot with the new snapshot
sourceSnapshot = snapshot;
// cancel the previous subscription
// pipe the new snapshot to create a new subscription
// a subscription to the source snapshot
StreamSubscription _sourceSnapshotSubscription;
// to keep track if data changed between connecting and disconnecting
dynamic latestEvent;
// pipe events from sourceSnapshot to this Snapshot.
// the following approach is naive but does the job and avoids closing/pausing the stream or creating a complex one.
void _pipe() {
_sourceSnapshotSubscription = sourceSnapshot.listen((event) {
// check if the last event before disconnecting is still the same after reconnecting
// note: (latestEvent == event) always returns false.
// comment it out if not desired.
if (latestEvent.toString() == event.toString()) return;
latestEvent = event;
// when a user maps the stream, return a new SnapshotX instance
// we return SnapshotX instead of a stream mainly to expose `changeVariables` method
SnapshotX<S> map<S>(S Function(T event) convert) {
final newSnapshotX = SnapshotX<S>(
onClose: onClose,
onMap: onMap,
controller: controller,
// update the map of currentSnapshots with the new mapped instance
return newSnapshotX;
// when a user stops listening, cancel the subscription to the source snapshot.
void _onCancel() {
// the user must close the snapshot after consuming it.
void close() {
// listen to the rootStream which has the latest mapping (don't listen to stream controller directly)
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void Function(T event) onData,
{Function onError, void Function() onDone, bool cancelOnError}) {
return rootStream.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
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