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Created May 2, 2016 22:51
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abstract class SessionWrapper(_session: => Session) extends Session {
lazy val session = _session
def conn: Connection = session.conn
def metaData = session.metaData
def capabilities = session.capabilities
override def resultSetType = session.resultSetType
override def resultSetConcurrency = session.resultSetConcurrency
override def resultSetHoldability = session.resultSetHoldability
def close() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException }
def rollback() { session.rollback() }
def withTransaction[T](f: => T): T = session.withTransaction(f)
private val statementCache = new mutable.HashMap[String, PreparedStatement]
def getPreparedStatement(statement: String): PreparedStatement =
statementCache.getOrElseUpdate(statement, this.conn.prepareStatement(statement))
override def forParameters(rsType: ResultSetType = resultSetType, rsConcurrency: ResultSetConcurrency = resultSetConcurrency,
rsHoldability: ResultSetHoldability = resultSetHoldability) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
abstract class RSession(roSession: => Session) extends SessionWrapper(roSession)
class ROSession(roSession: => Session) extends RSession(roSession)
class RWSession(rwSession: Session) extends RSession(rwSession)
implicit def roToSession(roSession: ROSession): Session = roSession.session
implicit def rwToSession(rwSession: RWSession): Session = rwSession.session
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